Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


October Pick

18 Anchor Road,Tiptree,Colchester,CO5 OAL

27 Oct 2012


Litter picking local woods and lanes. If time permits clear stream/lake. .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Spring pick

Litter pick of Grange road and Windmill hill. Collected another 12bags of rubbish, most of which were bottles and cans.

Spring pick

Litter picking Pods Wood through to Messing road Bus shelter. Litter picked Pods wood (again) collected 12full bags of rubbish including the following items ( one bag full of bread rolls, chicken piec...

Winter pick

Litter pick, Grange road and Windmill hill. Carried out litter pick between Florence park football pitch and The Basket works ( it was a complete mess ), We collected a large number of Drums and tin c...

December Pick

Roadside Pods wood. Litter picked roadside and removed a fly-tip from ditch which included a fridge, plastic and metal piping.

Spring pick

Grand road litter pick Due to the return of the KFC and McDonalds customers?????, these people?? had littered the best part of grange road, so on this glorious sunny day a group of us litter picked fi...

Spring pick

Litter pick to Pods and Layer wood.

Winter pick

Litter pick to Grange road, windmill hill and Pennsylvania lane. Pennsylvania lane and windmill hill where messing and took four volunteers over a hour to clear the debris and general rubbish ( welly...

May pick

Litter picked roadside of pods wood, astonished to find cats eyes dump along the hedgerow and in the ditches still within their tarmac surround, picked up twenty and photographed accordingly. Reported...

February 2019

Could be anywhere according to where volunteers have reported litter in and around Tiptree Litter picked along the Kelvedon road, too Perrywood nursery entrance ( no trouble with traffic ) also picked...

January litter pick.

Litter pick to Grange road following Christmas parties etc also village centre. No litter pick during January.

December litter pick

Meeting as usual in Tescos car park at 10.00am, litter pick Pods and cony woods. As above litter picked Pods and Cony woods, roadside from Messing bus stop through to first entrance to Pods wood and c...

November pick

Start of litter picking in and around Tiptree. Litter pick the top end of west end road through to Grange road, also litter picked Grange road from west end road to the entrance of Florence park ( Col...

March Pick

Litter picking surrounding areas.

January Pick

Return to clear the heath and Grange road. Cleared the Heath for the second time in two(2) months, also Grange road, total number of bags collected = 30 (thirty). Weird items collected includes, Elect...

March 19th

Grange road, Tiptree heath and Braxted road. Charge of areas: litter picked Newbridge road and Holbrooke walk though to Luther road, number of bags filled = (24). Whoever took down the trees alongside...

February 2017

Tiptree heath, West end road and Newbridge road. Change of plan, litter picked the ditches along the B1022 ( alongside Layer wood ), also Pods wood and Messing road. Number of bags = 16 from the ditch...

January 2017

Layer and Pods wood. Litter picked roadside near Layer wood and hedgerows between the entrance to Perrywood and Inworth Hall. Seventeen litter bags, one typewriter complete with carriege, large genera...

December Pick

Litter picking to Grange road and West end road. Litter picked the folowing areas, Grange road, Messing road, Tiptree Heath crossroads and Kelvedon road ( starting at Tower estate and finishing at Per...

November pick

Meeting in Tesco's car-park ( areas of interest grange road, West end road and layer wood ). Weather condition bad but a good number of volunteers attended, litter picked Haynes Green Lane, Windmill H...

Start of new season

Litter picking to Haynes Green lane, Pods wood, Tudwick road and Tiptree heath. Litter picked the above areas, collected seventeen bags of rubbish ( plus someone's front door ), find of the day was a ...

No event scheduled

There is no event scheduled for this date.

Last of the season

Last of the season litter pick. Litter picked the following areas. Main road alongside the heath, Grange road and Part of Windmill hill, number of bags of rubbish ( mostly wine bottles, cans and drin...


Clean for the Queen campaign to celebrate the queens 9oth birthday, this event is organised by Country file and Keep Britain tidy. Tiptree litter combers collected another huge amount of rubbish and d...


General litter pick, meeting in Tesco's carpark at 8.00am (early birds) and 10.00am. Litter picked the following areas: Pod wood ( loaded a hessian bag full of wet clothes, also found a large househol...

January 2016

General litter pick of surrounding areas On the 10.00am shift, two volunteers litter picked the centre village carpark which was littered with Nitrous Oxide cartridges they also found them in the chil...

Last pick of 2015

Early morning litter pick of layer wood roadside and mid-morning pick of west end and grange road areas. Litter picked pods wood and part of Birch airfield, items collected, steel bath complete with t...

Last pick of 2015

Early morning litter pick of layer wood roadside and mid-morning pick of west end and grange road areas.

Winter season

Start of winter litter picking. Carried out early morning litter pick from Tiptree heath carpark and finished at Tiptree heath crossroads. Along this section we found unopened bags of Walkers crisps, ...

April Pick

Early morning litter pick of hedgerow along Tiptree Heath. Extended litter picking to Grange road and West end road. Filled three plastic bags with childrens toys found in a ditch in Grange road. Beca...

April Pick

Early morning litter pick of the hedgerows along Tiptree heath and Priory road

One of

Litter pick between the Tiptree heath crossroads and Braxted road crossroads. Started early morning to avoid traffic, litter picked the hedgerows and roadside grass verges. Seventeen bags of rubbish c...

March Pick

Country lanes and woods This litter pick took place along a public footpath between two villages, the volunteers collected a total of twenty seven bags of rubbish and one propane gas bottle.

January 2015 Pick

General litter pick of surrounding lanes Another successful litter pick with some-more strange items found, see following list:- Sheep shears. Training bag full of gear in a ditch ( football boots, s...

General Litter Pick

Early morning (8.00am) and 10. 00am litter picks, meeting in Tesco's car-park.

General Litter Pick

8.00am litter pick to avoid traffic, also the usual 10.00am pick. Carried out an early morning litter pick on a major road leading into and out of Tiptree, also litter picked a local country lane, eve...

April Litter Pick

General litter pick of the lanes and woods.

litter picking

Litter picking the following areas:- Grange road. Grove farm road. Heath cross roads.

General Litter Pick

Litter pick surrounding lanes, woods and centre of the village Collected twenty three bags of debris, plus car parts consisting of a BMW wheel complete with suspension and wings from various other veh...

General Litter Pick.

Meeting in Tesco's car-park at 8.00am & 10.00am respectively. Locations of litter pick, Newbridge road, Priory road and finish the top end of Grange road.

Spring Clean

Meeting in Tesco's car-park at 10.00am for all volunteers. Areas of works will be the Village centre, country lanes and local woodlands.

Litter pick

Litter picking surrounding lanes and woods before nature takes over

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Tidy Tetbury Team
The Tidy Tetbury Team aims to bring together all those who want to see Tetbury kept tidy and looking good and who are happy to help achieve this by coming out to pick up litter. At the moment, we think that the obvious areas that need tidying up from time to time are likely to be The Rec, the area by the old railway shed, Love Lane (between Tesco and The Chipping) and the path behind Hampton Stores that leads to William Romney's School. But we also think that the Tidy Tetbury Team should be there to help and join in with anyone who wants to tackle the litter problem in their part of Tetbury. Our aim is not only to keep Tetbury tidy but to have fun and make new friends as we do so. Please join us by clicking on the "Join this Group" button on the right of this webpage and we will keep you posted on future events.
11 years
The litter Pickers of north bolton
We try to be positive about our work We litter pick as a group every Sunday, we also support lots of lone Pickers that go out during the week to litter pick . We tackle grot spots and support new litter picking groups in other areas of bolton
9 years
Harleston Pickers
The aim is to remove litter from approach roads\' verges to Harleston
10 years
North Lanarkshire Dumpers
I am sick of going into the countryside and finding people have dumped there crap, ie Car Tyres, beds, car seats, cookers, and other crap. I would like to be able to stop this happening but I know that will be hard so I am happy to make it difficult for people.
4 years
Syresham Litterpickers
The group was initiated by the Parish Council with the aim of ensuring that our village and its environs are kept neat and tidy and as litterfree as possible. We welcome more helpers at our next litterpick on Saturday 21st March 2009.
15 years
Woodston and Fletton Litterpicks
Facebook group for residents in the Woodston and Fletton areas of Peterborough to take part in community litter picking events. Also the place for other groups in the area to advertise,much as Sugar Way residents and Thoroe Gate Rivercare group.
7 years
Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers
Friendly Local residents who care about where they live. We meet Fridays and Saturdays according to the time of year. Check our Facebook page for latest times.
6 years
Anstey Litterpickers
Anstey Litterpickers are simply fed up with the amount of discarded McDonalds and KFC wrappers, beer cans, fag packets etc thrown out of car windows along the lovely country roads around Anstey and Charnwood. We just want to do something about it!
11 years
Newburgh Wombles
Newburgh village
3 years
Ilminster Forum Litter Pickers
Ilminster Forum is the local regeneration group that helps implement community projects for the benefit of the town and its residents identified through the Community Plan.
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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