Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Moth night - Stanmore Country Park

Harrow,ha7 4xw

14 May 2010


9.00pm -- come along and learn about the many different species from our expert! .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

National Moth night

National Moth Night. We will gather round a UV lamp and see what comes in. No moths are harmed and all are released after identification.

Morning Work party

10.30 am Stanmore Country Park - come along and meet us and help!

Walk and Picnic

Stanmore Common from 10am

Summer Butterfly walk

Meet 11.00am at Dennis Lane Car Park, Stanmore

National Moth Night

Stanmore Country Park 10.00pm meet at Dennis Lane Car Park. John our warden is a moth enthusiast

Stanmore Common Botany Walk

Car park at Warren Lane Stanmore at 1.45. Great fun - may need insect repellant!

Working Party

Gilbert's Orchard Grimsdyke - clearing bramble and scrub from around ancient trees planted by Lucy Gilbert. To confirm refer to webpage or call grimsdyke Hotel on...

Pruning old apple trees

January or Febbruary 2012. Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital. Watch this space for more information.

Fungi of Stanmore CountryPark

Meet at Stanmore Country Park car park off Dennis Lane - 2.00pm - 4.00pm Do not park in Recreation Car Park as other activities use it - like Bowls Club/Bridge Club etc.

Bat Walk

Warren Lane car park - to be confirmed 8.00pm -

Stanmore Common Working Party

Warren Lane car park at 10.00am for another bash at the bush.

Summer Butterflies at 10.30am

Stanmore Country Park - learn about moths and butterflies with one of our knowledgeable wardens. Park in Dennis Lane car park (limited spaces). See calendar on Harrow Conservation Forum's webpage. h...

Flowers of Stanmore Common

Warren Lane car park - 1.30 - 3.00pm

Working party - Stanmore Common

Meet Warren Lane car park at 10 am and never mind the rain - join like-minded people for a spot of toil!

Work Party

Warren Lane car park - 10.00am - 1.00

Work Party

Warren Lane car park - 10.30 - 3.00pm

Work Party

Stanmore Common - meet in Warren Lane car park 10 - 3.00pm

Working party

Stanmore Common 10am - 1.00 meet in Warren Lane car park

Butterfly Walk

Stanmore Common - 10.00am at Warren Lane car park

Unusual plants - Stanmore Common

Meet up at 2.00pm with our expert warden(s) for an interesting afternoon. May need insect repellent cream!!

HNF Conservation Work Party

Stanmore Common 10.30am as usual

Harrow Conservation Work Party

Meet at Stanmore Common car park - Warren Lane 10.30am

Working party

Scrub clearance in Holly Brook Rise on Stanmore Common. Meet car park on Warren Lane, Stanmore at 10.30 am.

Guided walk in Stanmore Country Park

Meet at Dennis Lane (lower end) car park at Stanmore 10.30am

Wild Flower Walk

Wild flower walk on Stanmore Common - meet Warren Lane car park at 10.00 Fascinating with 2 wardens informing us about micro moths and everything else....but a good crop of midge bites!

Guided walk Stanmore Common

Meet 10.00 Stanmore Common Car Park Warren Lane - super fun with knowledgeable guide(s).

Clean up at Brewers Ponds

Meet at Warren Lane Car Park Stanmore Common at 10.30.

Stanmore Common Work Party - Harrow Conservation Trust

Also at 1.30 - work party under aegis of volunteer Warden

Stanmore Country Park work party

The management consists of working to retain the open grassy areas and to try and expand them. In the winter months groups of volunteers from the British Trust of Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) are bo...

Guided walk Stanmore Common with Harrow Conservation

See their website (Harrow Conservation Trust) for details. Meet at car park on Warren Lane.

Working party

Wrong date previously!!!

Brewery Pond clean up

Meet Little Common and walk up to Brewery Pond to pick litter and show solidarity to littering/loitering fishermen

Bentley Old Vicarage open day and fete

Saturday September 20th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 11:00 AM onward Open Day (combined with All Saint's Church fete)

litter picking

Meet at Stanmore carpark - Dennis Lane - 8.30am still masses of rubbish near Ponds and cricket ground. harrow Fast Response uplifted my pickings unexpectedly!

Green Gym!! Working parties at Bentley Old Vicarage & Stanmore Common

Sunday September 7th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 10:00 AM Working Party in the morning only Sunday September 7th 2008 Stanmore Common 1:30 PM Working Party dead tree cut up. rubbish picked up.

Various - part of Harrow Conservation

Saturday August 30th 2008 Stanmore Country Park 8:30 PM Moth evening evening event Saturday September 20th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 11:00 AM onward Open Day (combined with All Saint's Church fete) ...

Working parties in the area - if you like hard work!

Sunday August 24th 2008 Roxbourne Rough 10:00 PM Working Party Sunday September 7th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 10:00 AM Working Party in the morning only Sunday September 7th 2008 Stanmore Common 1:3...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

just an hour a week walking the lanes will keep our parish clean and tidy and enjoy some fresh air and a little exercise at the same time !
11 years
Woodston and Fletton Litterpicks
Facebook group for residents in the Woodston and Fletton areas of Peterborough to take part in community litter picking events. Also the place for other groups in the area to advertise,much as Sugar Way residents and Thoroe Gate Rivercare group.
7 years
Dorset Devils are a group of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole and beyond residents who volunteer their free time to clear litter from where they live as well as nearby parks and our beautiful beaches. We each look after our own patch and hope to encourage others to manage their own litter. Our voluntary group started in 2013 and we now have 836 + like minded residents onboard and still growing. We want Dorset to be as litter free as possible but that means everyone needs to play their part for this to happen. Fresh air, gentle exercise guaranteed and some equipment available. Do as much or as little picking as you like and choose the time and place suitable for you, eIther on your own, with someone else or with Dorset Devils living nearby. Our USP is solo or family/friends litter picking rather than group organised events or with the public. You are welcome to join us and then you can look after your own patch, wherever and whenever it suits you. Always your choice how long you ‘devil’ around. Help make a difference where you live, play and relax. Bournemouth Borough Council and Bournemouth University fully support us with equipment and encouragement. We link up with local environmental organisations including Wimborne War on Waste, Southbourne Waste Busters and we are part of Litter Free Dorset- land, coast & sea. We are active within the community and get involved in a variety of community initiatives including activities with primary school children and scout packs. We are more than just litter pickers as we hope to raise awareness and engage, wherever possible. Follow us on DD Facebook, Twitter and interact through our brand new website. N.B. Past DD events:- View photos via the group photo album
11 years
Grimstead litter pickers
Our aim is to clear the roadsides of litter and keep our villages looking spick and span.
8 years
Brisbane Road
Make Brisbane Road an even better lace to live
6 years
LitterFree Durham CPRE
We co-ordinate activities for the CPRE litter campaign Stop the Drop in County Durham and Darlington. These include acting as a central focus to which reports of litter grot spots may be made; making regular personal contact with Local Authorities, Parish Councils and tourism organisations; organising litter picks throughout the county; spreading publicity for the Campaign; and taking a programme of litter-awareness education into local schools. To report a Grot Spot, email us or phone 01325 315580. The group's website is:
17 years
We meet to pick up litter in Morrab Gardens on the 1st Sunday of every month.
8 years
Whitehead Wombles
Whitehead Wombles are a small group of people from the town of Whitehead who got fed up looking at the amount of litter on our streets and hedgerows and decided to do something about it. We only have a few members but we are committed to keeping the level of litter in the town to a minimum and hope that people will see us and think twice about dropping their litter. We are supplied with bags, gloves and pickers by our local council and last Oct we won an award for our coastal care work. Our aim is to educate people in the detrimental effects of littering and to work with as many groups within the town to co ordinate our efforts. We had a community clean up on Sunday 18th Sept 2011as part of the national Beach watch Weekend and received support of local groups and churches so for one day at least we had a litter free town. We lifted over 30 bags and had forty people of all ages turn out to help. This proved so successful that many of those involved wanted to run it on a quarterly basis so we'll see what we can do If anyone wants to set up a group and needs advice then contact us or follow our progress at the Brighter Whitehead site.
55 years
Falkland Road Litter Pickers
We are taking litter picking in to our own hands. We are fed up with plastic bags and rubbish littering our streets, blowing in to our gardens and spoiling our pavements. We are proud of where we live and want to encourage others to care for our streets as we do. Our vision is for a clean environment for our families and friends. We are an open group and welcome anyone to join.
8 years
The Killamarsh Wombles
Killamarsh village and surrounding areas
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group