Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Monthly pick

Frampton Cotterell & Coalpit Heath,BS36 2LJ

22 Feb 2017


Meet 10.00am Gingerbread Man Thanks to John and Brenda who picked their area on Monday, and to Jean B, Jean F, Dave B, Sue and Tony W, Bob and Jen J. there were 8 of us today, and we cleared Church Rd, Woodend Rd, Badminton Rd around the viaduct, Lower Chapel Lane, Beesmoor Rd and surrounding ares..

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Monthly Pick

Heather Ave

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread Man 10-12noon 9 of us joined the gathering today and one (Jean B) did her own thing. Jean F, Dave B, Tom, Andrew, Sue and Tony and Bob and Jen cleared Church Rd, Lower Stone, Upper Stone,...

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread Man 10-12noon 9 of us joined the gathering today and one (Jean B) did her own thing. Jean F, Dave B, Tom, Andrew, Sue and Tony and Bob and Jen cleared Church Rd, Lower Stone, Upper Stone,...

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave Cancelled due to lockdown

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man Cancelled due to lockdown

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave Cancelled due to lockdown

Monthly pick

Gingerbread Man cafe . 9 of us today - Andrew, Dave B, Tony and Sue, Grev B and Pat D, Sheila, Jean F, Jean B. Cleared Church Rd, Beesmoor, Loewer Stone, Upper Stone, Woodend, Lower Chapel Lane, Bel...

Monthly pick

Heather Ave Heather Ave - 8 pickers today - Andrew, Jean F, Jean B, Bob J, Sue and Tony W, Tom and Sheila

Monthly pick

Heather Ave 8 pickers today - Sheila and Tom; Jean B; Bob and Jean F, Sue and Tony W and Andrew. Cold but dry - we picked the usual roads. 8 sacks of litter and some discarded painting equipment thr...

Monthly Pick

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread man

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave The weather held and we had a group of 11 who collected 12 sackful of street litter. Thanks to Jean B, Jean F, Sue and Tony, Bob and Jen, Jen D, Tom and Carol, Dave and Andrew...

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread man

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00 am Heather Ave

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread man

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00 am Heather Ave

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread man

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave A good turn out in lovely weather - Bob and Jen; Sue and Tony; Brenda and John; Jean F, Jean B, Liz, Dave, Grev,Tom and Andrew met at Heather Ave and filled 15+ sacks. Thanks...

Monthly pick

10.00am Meet Gingerbread man We had a record turn outing the lovely sunshine today. Andrew, Sheila, Jen, Jen and Bob, Sue and Tony, Tom, Sue, Dave, Greg, Jean and Eleanor cleared the 'top' half of th...

Monthly pick

Meet Heather Ave 10.00am Andrew, Tom, Sue and Tony W; Jen, Sheila, Sue and Bob J, Jean F and Grev met on a frosty morning and collected at least 13 sackfuls of street litter. Plus an extra bag from th...

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man 10am

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave 10am Andrew, Tom, Dave B, Grev, Jean B, Jean F, Sue and Tony W, Jen D joined our session. About 12 sacks were filled in all. Litter picking isn't easy in the autumn light as leaves can lo...

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man 10am Jean F led this session. Thanks Jean!

Monthly pick

Heather Ave 10am

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man 10.00am

Monthly pick

Heather Ave 10am

Monthly Pick

Gingerbread man 10am

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave 10am

Monthly pick

Gingerbread Man 10am

Monthly Pick

Heather Ave 10.00am

Monthly pick

Meet Gingerbread man cafe 10.00

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave Andrew, Jean B, Jean F, Tom, Sheila, Tony & Sue, and Jen cleared Park Road, Nightingale, Beesmoor, The Meads estate, Village Green, Vicarage Rd and Manor Close. A bright cold ...

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread Man Andrew, Dave B, Jean F, Jean B., Bob & Jen J, John and Brenda L met and cleared the east side of the village. Good weather for it, if somewhat chilly at the start.

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00 am Gingerbread Man

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave A relatively small gathering - and not as much litter around as on previous occasions. large items were, however, fished out of the Park Farm pond!

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread Man The main session was cancelled due to poor weather. Several group members did their own thing on subsequent dry days.

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave 8 of us met and cleared the usual routes around Heather Avenue - The Meads; Park farm; Nightingale Close, Bell Rd etc

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am Gingerbread Man Andrew, Dave B, Jean F, Jean B. Bob & Jen J, John and Brenda L met and cleared the east side of the village. Good weather for it, if somewhat chilly at the start. Streets ...

Family Litter Pick

Meet at play area in park farm Village Green 10 am Sat 22 April. A local mum organised a large group of parents and children to assemble in Park Farm for an hour's litter picking around Park farm; The...

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Ave

Monthly pick

Meet 10.00am Heather Avenue On a fine but frosty morning, 10 volunteers - Jean B; Jean F; Sheila; Sue and Tony W; Bob and Jen J; Tom; Jen and I cleared Heather Ave; Beesmoor Rd; Woodend Rd; Lower Chap...

Monthly pick

Cancelled - frost Cancelled due to frosty weather

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick from Heather Avenue On a dry morning eight of us met - Sue and Tony; Bob and Jen J; Jen D and Jean B; Andrew and Jean F - we cleared Heather Ave; Beesmoor Rd; Woodend Rd; West Ridg...

Monthly pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave

Monthly pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave 8 of us met and cleared Park Farm, Park Lane, Nightingale Close, Beesmoor Rd, Woodend Rd, Bell Rd, Ridings Rd etc. 8 sacks were collected.

Monthly pick

Meet 10am Gingerbread Man 6 of us met and cleared Church Rd, Woodend Rd and the other usual roads from here. 7 sacks were filled.

Monthly Pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave 6 met and cleared the usual roads - 8 sacks.

Monthly Pick

Meet 10.00am GingerBread Man cafe A good turn out today. Andrew, Tom, Sheila, Jen, Jen&Bob, Sue&Tony and Jean picked several main routes radiating out from Gingerbread Man coffee house. Weather was pe...

Monthly pick

10.00am Heather Avenue Dave, Tom, Jean, Jen, John, Brenda and Andrew met at Heather Ave and cleared the Park Farm Park, Park Lane, Park Row, Nightingale Close, Beesmmoor Rd, Lower Chapel Lane, Bell Rd...

Monthly pick

Regular pick starting at Gingerbread Man Two attended - Andrew and John. Some confusion over the date! Collected 3 sacks of litter.

Monthly pick

10 am Heather Ave. An excellent turnout - Andrew, Dave, Jean B, Jen and Bob, John and Barbara, Sue and Tony, Carol, Jen. Cleared the usual routes and filled approx. 10 sacks.

Monthly pick

Gingerbread Man Postponed to 28/1/16 due to bad weather. Small turnout but everyone do their own area when the weather improved.

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave A good turnout - the Jen and Bob, Sue and Tony, Carol and Tom, Sheila, Jean B, Jean F, Jen and Andrew - cleared Park Farm and The Meads, Park Lane, Nightingale Close, Beesmoor Rd...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Truly Scrumptious Owing to half term we only had three volunteers on the day. Sheila, John and Andrew cleared Church Rd, part of Badminton Rd and the lane which runs from the Badminton Arms...

Litter Busters monthly session

Meet 10am Heather Ave On a glorious morning eleven of us met at Heather Ave - Andrew, Birthday Boy Dave, Sheila, Brenda, Jen D, Jen & Bob, Sue& Tony and Carol and Tom. We collected about twelve sack...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Truly Scrumptious Three of us were 'doing our own thing'this week so we were down to four this time - Bob, Brenda, Sheila and Andrew. We collected five sacks from Church Rd, Badminton and, W...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave Nine of us met today - Jean B, Brenda and John L, Sheila, Tom, Sue and Tony W, Dave , Jen and Andrew. We cleared 9 sacks of litter from Heather Ave, Nightingale Close, Park Lane...

Extra pick for FFF

Extra pick ahead of visit by Britain in Bloom Floral Friends of Frampton asked us to carry out a litter pick along the route to be visited tomorrow. Andrew, Dave B, John and Brenda L, Tom N. cleared ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Truly Scrumptious lovely weather for litter picking. Seven of us met today - Jean, Sheila, Brenda, Bob and Jen, Dave and Andrew. We cleared Church rd, Ryecroft, Lower Chapel Lane, Clyde Rd,...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave Quite a few people were away on holiday during half term week, but we still had 7 volunteers. Andrew, Sheila, Jean B, Jen & Bob, Dave and Tom met on a glorious sunny morning and...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Truly Scrumptious Not one of our best turn-outs, but we had Jean, Sheila, Brenda, Tom, Andrew and David. Sadly we said farewell to Kate who is soon to emigrate to Australia to be closer to ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Heather Ave Another great turn out - Bob & Jen, Tony, Tom, Sheila and Kate, John and Brenda B, Jean and Andrew. We met in good weather at Heather Avenue and collected about 15 sackfuls altog...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Truly Scrumptious Eleven of us met to-day - Jen, Tom, Bob & Jen, Sue & Tony, Jean, Sheila, Dave, Brenda and me - a great turn out. After a quick coffee we set out to clear a lot of winter l...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10am Heather Avenue The weather was bad and the session was originally called off but the clouds lifted for an hour or two and a small number of hardy annuals collected 8 sacks. Jean, Andrew, Ton...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Park Farm Village Green at 10.00 am The main session was held on 27 Nov because of poor weather on 26th. A few people had braved the murky weather on Wednesday - Jea...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious, Church Road, at 10.00 am Despite the damp weather we had a terrific turnout today! Fifteen people! Jen, Andrew, Dave B, Sheila, Jean, Kate, Bob and Jen, Sue and Tony, Brenda...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Park Farm Village Green at 10.00 am A fair turn out this time, and many roads around Park Farm; The Meads; Park Lane. Beesmoor Rd etc were cleared and about 10 sacks...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious, Church Road, at 10.00 am We were seven in number today - 2 Jeans, Tony, Dave, Tom and Carol, and Andrew. After a hot chocolate at Truly Scrumptious we set off in all directi...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Park Farm Village Green at 10.00 am A lovely day for litter picking! 12 volunteers turned out to-day - Jen & Bob; Carol & Tom (new member!); Sue & Tony; Jean B, Jean...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious, Church Road, at 10.00 am A lovely day for litter picking to-day. Several people were away but we had a good turn out of eight volunteers and cleared Church Rd, Badminton Rd,...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Park Farm Village Green at 10.00 am Session cancelled - rain all day!

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious, Church Road, at 10.00 am Well done everyone to-day! Another great turn out and good to have a chat at the cafe before we set off - Jean F, Jean B, Jen D., Sheila, Bob & Jen...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Ave entrance to Park Farm Village Green at 10.00 am We had a great session today. There were 11 of us - Jean B, Jean F, Sue and Tony W, Bob and Jen J, Kate, Sheila, Jen D. and Debbie ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious at 10.00 am - Big Spring Clean Please note FVW far too wet and slppery to litter pick so we will meet at Truly Scrumptious We had a very productive session today. Jen and Bob...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Park Farm Village Green at 10.00am A super turn out to-day. 11 of us gathered - Jen and Bob J; John; new member Dave B.; Sue and Tony W.; Jean; Sheila; Jean and Den ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious in Church Rd for coffee at 9.30am ready for 10.00am start Another excellent turnout, with Tony, Sue, Andrew, Sheila, Kate, Jean and Bob clearing the south and centre of the v...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Park Farm Village Green ready for 10.00am start After the rainy and windy weather it was nice to assemble on a lovely autumnal morning. There were seven of us - Jean...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet at Truly Scrumptious in Church Rd for coffee at 9.30am ready for 10.00am start 7 sack loads were collected and other group members who couldn't make it did some litter picking around their own ho...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 9.30am Truly Scrumptious Church Rd A good turn out to-day despite several of our stalwarts being unavailable due to holidays and injuries. 10 of us gathered at Truly Scrumptious, including 2 mor...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 9.30am Truly Scrumptious Church Rd We had a turnout of 6 today - Mary, Alan, Jean, John, Kate and Andrew. We cleared Church Rd, part of Badminton Rd, Upper and Lower Stone Close, The Land, Woode...

Frampton Festival

Frampton Festival 20 July 2013 Several group members volunteered to support the Festival by clearing the centenary field of litter and dog mess on the morning of the festival. Others helped to tidy u...

Monthly Litter Pick -EVENING

Evening Litter Picking Session - meet at 6.30pm at Park Farm Village Green - entrance in Heather Avenue A lovely evening, attended by 2 x Jeans, Kate, Sheila, Harvey, Andrew and Gill. We cleared the ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 9.30am Truly Scrumptious Church Rd This session was cancelled due to very wet weather.

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 9.30am Truly Scrumptious Church Rd Better weather to-day, and 7 pickers met at Truly Scrumptious to get busy on our streets and verges. Bob & Jen; Sheila Kate and Jen; John and Barbara met up and...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 10.00 am Park Farm Village Green (entrance in Heather Avenue) We had 11 volunteers to-day including Sophie - a youngster who kindly lent a hand! Bob & Jen; Kate; Sheila; Jen; Mary; Jean and Sop...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 9.30am Truly Scrumptious Church Rd 4 of our group were unavailable to-day but cleared their patches and other areas over the previous few days. Thanks to them! We were 5 in number today- Jean F; ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Meet 9.30am Truly Scrumptious Church Rd We managed to collect 15 sackfulls this morning. Thanks to the Littletons; the Jenkins; Sheila; Jen and Jean ! The conditions weren't great but the rain held o...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - meet at 10.00 am in car park at Brockeridge Centre Great effort to-day in the icy winds! 12 people turned up - Jen; Jean & Den B. ; Bob & Jen J.; Sheila; Sue & Tony W; Brenda; A...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - Meet at 10.00am at Park Farm Village Green - Heather Ave entrance to Village Green The rain stayed away and we had a very good session although it was decidedly soggy underfoot. ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - Meet for coffee at 9.30 am at Truly Scrumptious - Church Rd - litter pick will start at 10.00am Thanks to everyone for a great turn-out - eleven of us - Kaye + Phil; Jen + Jean; ...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - meet at 10.00am St Peters Church - meet in small car parking space in front of church This session was cancelled because of the very wet weather over the preious two days.

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - Meet at 10.00am Brockeridge Centre Car Park A very hot day - 6 of us including a new recruit cleared Church Rd; Woodend; Badminton Rd; Causeway; Lower Chapel Lane; Park Farm Gree...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - Meet 10.00am Park Farm Village Green - meet at Heather Avenue entrance to Village Green With turn-out affected by the holiday session, we (Andrew; Jen; Kate; Phil) dodged the sho...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - meet at 9.30 am for a coffee at Truly Scrumptious - Church Rd - litter pick starts at 10.00am A lovely day for a litter pick - warm and sunny. We had a few members away and doi...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - Meet for a coffee at Truly Scrumptious at 9.30 before starting at 10.00 am St Peters Church (meet in parking area in front of Church) 6 of us met for a coffee and a chat about li...

Frome special

Litter Pick - Meet 10.00am Brockeridge or Bridge House Rectory Rd - we will be doing some litter clearance along the Frome between St Peters and Bridge House. Volunteers who wish to go direct to Br...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - meet at 10.00am at Park Farm Village Green An interesting gathering to-day. We took delivery of some splendid Hi-Viz vests with 'VOLUNTEER - Village Action Litter Busters - Spon...

Monthly Litter Pick

Monthly Litter Pick - meet for a coffee at 9.30 at Truly Scrumptious, Church Rd. Alison and Cath from Street Care, South Glos Council wish to met us. Litter pick starts at 10.00am We had an excelle...

Monthly litter pick

10.00 a.m. Meet at St Peters Church. A lovely Autumnal day for a litter pick. A good turn out - 5 - covered a lot of ground and collected about 7 sacks worth of litter from Church Rd, Badminton Rd, ...

Monthly litter pick

10.00 a.m. Meet at Brockeridge Centre car park, Woodend Road. We had a small turn-out but succeeded in clearing two routes - Lower Stone Close > Church Rd > Wayleaze > Main View Church lane > Manor...

Monthly litter pick

10 a.m. Meet at Park Farm Village Green (Heather Avernue entrance to park) A slightly smaller gathering in the glorious sunshine. The village is looking very good. We cleared the Park Farm Green; Bees...

Big Tidy Up day

We want the village to look tidy and smart. With your help we can do it! We are planning some litter picking sessions for Monday August 15th 2011. We will meet at 10am at Brockeridge Centre, and c...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Lady Bay Litter Pickers
Lady Bay Litterpickers no longer functions as a group. Instead, individuals are issued with equipment to litterpick an area of Lady Bay of their choice, usually the streets immediately around their home and at times convenient to them. If you would like to be involved in this new style of litterpicking, please get in touch - . Be assured, however, that our aims are still to keep Lady Bay as one of the best places to live, and to generate pride in our community.
16 years
Stoke Primary School Coventry
We are a local authority primary school and are wanting to contribute to the community where litter is concerned.
13 years
The Rudloe Mob
We are not really a group! We are a loose alliance! We started as dog walkers and photographers back in the 70s. I would be walking with our hound and stop to take a picture only to find that foreground rubbish had to be removed. This led to always taking bags for rubbish whenever I went out. For larger items (fly-tips etc) I would move them to a suitable roadside location and call the council who were (and are) very obliging. My “comrades” would do the same. This has been going on ever since (our last dog departed some years ago but the walking and photography continue).

My current (well actually for many years) “bete noire” is bagged dog crap. Twas quite funny, some years ago we had a serial crap flinger - it was everywhere: undergrowth, behind walls, brambles, trees etc. So, one weekend we decided to have a blitz on the stuff. We found about 250 bags in the undergrowth along Leafy Lane, over 100 in one location behind a dry stone wall and so on - a total of around 700 bags altogether. I was walking down my road with a bin bag of bagged dog crap over each shoulder when a neighbour stopped me and asked what I had in the bags! Since that time he and his wife have been inveterate litter pickers. The bagged dog crap problem continues. I have picked up about 30 in various locations over the past couple of weeks (this statement will be approximately true whenever you are reading this!). I used to think that this was just one halfwit on the loose, but it appears that this extraordinary behaviour is common practice. I believe (and I have written to Wilts CC about this) that the socially-acceptable practice of bagging dog crap, binning it and dumping it into landfill is an aberration. We have programmes on TV where ologists of various kinds look at ancient middens to find out how people lived. What will future ologists think of our society?

“Look - they used to wrap up their dog crap and bury it - how weird!”

Talking of weird, an odd incident occurred during my 23 Jan 2012 pick-up. I had a good bin-bag full of rubbish which I was attempting to stuff into the waste bin at Northleaze Mobile Home Park when one of a posse of locals shouted over “Oi - what do you think you’re doing?”. A small exchange ensued during which I explained that this was at least a weekly occurrence and I was tidying-up THEIR environment. But they were having none of it - “You can’t do that”, one said. I should say that this lady did offer to put the rubbish in her own bin but by this time the bin-bag was ripped and taking it out again would have seen the rubbish spilled on the ground. Anyway, their objection seemed to be one of possession - it was their bin! This would be fair enough if the bin was ever used but every time I deposit rubbish in that bin, it is empty (as it was on this occasion). It seems that they want theoretical of the bin without ever using it! Anyway my bin-bag was stuffed into the bin; the bin was emptied by the council the next morning and I stuffed a further bag of rubbish into it later that day. It is odd that no account is taken of rubbish lying in the street but clearance of that same rubbish invokes local disapproval!

Another anecdote - for many years, on Sunday mornings when out walking the dog, I would find an empty bottle of South African white wine (always South African) and an empty (70cl) bottle of vodka tightly knotted into a Tescos plastic bag in the lay-by in White Ennox Lane. What a wild time they must have had and what an interesting drive home.

The bizarre things you find when out collecting rubbish! Today, 25 Nov 2012, it was the “Bath & Wells Diocesan News”, No 264, December 1980 (see pic)! This was by the bus stop at the top of Box Hill. I can imagine the Bishop of Bath & Wells waiting for the bus in his vestments with his mitre and crosier (or is that Catholic bishops?) and unfortunately dropping his News on boarding the bus. One of the News items was the 1980 General Synod at which a major issue would be the ordination of women! Now, thirty-two years on, the Synod has been voting on women bishops. What a slow-moving organisation the C of E is!

By the way, the 20,000 or so bags picked up is an estimate, but probably a conservative one. My weekly pick-up is about 8 bags - 8x52x32(years) is about 13,000. I am, no doubt, doing a great disservice to the rest of the Mob in estimating their input as only 7,000 bags - watch out for the update.

The following table started in 2012, which I will try to update regularly, gives an idea of the scale of the ‘problem’.

1 Jan 2012: B3109, Skynet Drive, field edge 4+bags+mattress - called Wilts CC
2 Jan 2012: Leafy Lane, woods and playing fields, 5 bags
3 Jan 2012: Boxfields Road, Box Hill Common 3 bags+ fly tip - called Wilts CC
4 Jan 2012: Quarry Hill, 3 bags + bagged dog crap (BDC)
5 Jan 2012: B3109, A4 to Hare & Hounds 5 bags+ BDC (7 bags)
6 Jan 2012: Leafy Lane & A4 towards Corsham, 5 bags
7 Jan 2012: B3109, Skynet Drive, Park Lane, 4 bags+ BDC
8 Jan 2012: A4 towards Box, 2 bags
9 Jan 2012: B3109 & A4 towards Corsham, 4 bags
12 Jan 2012: Boxfields Road 1 bag+ small fly tip - called Wilts CC
16 Jan 2012: B3109 & A4 towards Corsham, 4 bags
17 Jan 2012: B3109, Skynet Drive, The Carriage Drive, Pound Mead, 7 bags
23 Jan 2012: B3109 & A4 towards Corsham, 3 bags + BDC
24 Jan 2012: B3109 & A4 towards Corsham, 2 bags
28 Jan 2012: Leafy Lane & B3109 from small Fiveways towards Corsham, 1 bag
7 Feb 2012: B3109 and A4 towards Corsham, 1 bag
8 Feb 2012: Leafy Lane and woodland, 2 bags
12 Feb 2012: A4 towards Box, 4 bags
13 Feb 2012: Rudloe Firs and A4 towards Corsham 10 bags (and still stuff remaining)
13 Feb 2012: (later) B3109, 2 bags
21 Feb 2012: B3109, 1 bag
23 Feb 2012: B3109, Leafy Lane, Leafy Lane Playing Fields, 14 bags

Okay, I guess you get the picture so with one month being very much like another I will discontinue the diary. This is a week-on-week, year-on-year occupation. The last pick-up listed above is instructive though - let me elaborate .. Leafy Lane Playing Fields is a 20 acre site at the south-eastern edge of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Its users include football clubs, cricket clubs etc but the principal user is AFC Corsham who do an outstanding job in providing opportunities for young people to play football. AFC Corsham runs 15 teams for youngsters between the ages of around 5 to 15/16. You can imagine therefore the number of youngsters provided for and the scores of parents who ferry their charges back and forth from home to ground and back. All fine BUT it appears that not one of the committee, managers and coaches, parents or others gives a hoot about the enormous piles of litter which are left to accumulate week after week. Rather than an AONB, Leafy Lane Playing Fields resembles a rubbish tip. The Rudloe Mob has an onslaught on the accumulation every couple of months or so. Of the 14 bags collected on 23rd February 2012, 10 came from the playing fields and this was just the tip of the iceberg (see photographs of some of what still remains). The state of the playing fields is, I believe, representative of the state of Britain. A 20-acre site frequented by a community of users who deposit rubbish then cheerfully wander through that same rubbish without giving it a second thought. With regard to litter, whether it is at community or national level, in general “we” couldn’t care less.

In the eighties “that cow” (as described by our local MP at the time, the 6th Earl of Kilmorey or Sir Richard Needham) appointed Richard Branson as the uncrowned king of litter - see this 2005 Guardian article on the subject - but his campaign along with all others, like the long-established Keep Britain Tidy, failed or is failing. It is not good enough to have high-profile personalities, photo-shoots and high-salaried executives with meaningless job descriptions - take a look at the job description for the £40k plus Head of Communications and Marketing at Keep Britain Tidy:

*Implementation and delivery of the five year communications strategy and annual action plan
*Enhanced reputation of Keep Britain Tidy and its sub-brands
*Senior management feel supported through provision of strategic advice and guidance
*New income streams developed, for example, from behaviour change campaigns
*Stakeholders strategically managed and influenced
*Resources managed effectively within budget to meet to customer demand
*Visible leadership to the relevant communications teams as well as across the wider organisation
*Enhanced profile of the organisation with the relevant audiences
*Public membership scheme developed and successfully implemented, when agreed

Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burns! We are drowning in a sea of rubbish! You can see the outcome of almost 60 years of Keep Britain Tidy in the small community area covered by this Litteraction webpage. YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO GET OUT THERE AND PICK UP RUBBISH -REGULARLY!
55 years
just an hour a week walking the lanes will keep our parish clean and tidy and enjoy some fresh air and a little exercise at the same time !
11 years
Kirton in Lindsey in Bloom
Kirton in Lindsey in Bloom is an independent community group acting in co-operation with Kirton in Lindsey Town Council, Kirton in Lindsey Amateur Gardeners, Kirton in Lindsey Society and North Lincolnshire Council. The main object of the group is visual enhancement of the town through wider use of floral and heritage displays within both public and residential areas. Which by its nature also includes improving and creating a better local environment in the town. We are a not-for-profit organisation.
9 years
Gorton Litter Pickers
We are a community-led litter picking group based in Gorton. We organise group litter picks and encourage solo picks, and to try educate people on how to report litter/fly tipping issues.
3 years
3rd Heathfield - Ibn Battuta Scout Group
We are a scout group based in Whitton and provide our children Skills for Life Would love to support the community in any key activities like litter picking. Support the borough to make it a little better place to live in.
6 years
Better Thornton Heath
The group's aim is to make Thornton Heath a cleaner and greener environment for people to live.
10 years
Mother Nature Rocks!
Parks & Green Areas 🌳 Play Areas 🤸🏽‍♀️ Along the River 🦆
3 years
St Cleer Litter Picker
I am a walker / runner living in the St Cleer, Liskeard area fed up with seeing discarded litter cluttering the country lanes and endever to do a litter pick every Saturday morning following a 5k circuit around the villages. You are welcome to join me and help. Bring you HI Vis Jacket & black bags.
55 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group