Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Monday: The day after the night before

Sheerwater,Woking,GU21 5QQ

19 Jun 2016


If the weekend weather is good (which it is promised to be) then there will be plenty of fresh litter from weekend activities in the park. Goody... from 6pm starting at the solitary bench in the park. It was quite a pleasant weekend so I expected there to be plenty of things to pick up. Not so. It was slim pickings tonight. There was a light scattering of cans and bottles as usual, a rash of bumper sized crisp bags and not much else. I guess everyone was at home watching the football all weekend. Picked over most of the park and the alleyway at the back of Spencer Close and then onto the canal towpath, eastwards tonight. That done I did some extreme nitpicking in the alley between the Parkview community centre and the daycare nursery. Mainly cigarette butts, hundreds of 'em. Back to the park bench to pick up the freshmeat - a jelly baby bag.

Star finds were a very large size 12 flip-flop sandal by the canal, a tiny toy frog outside Parkview and two really heavy doggy pooh bags - must have been a couple of Great Danes out for a walk. Two bags of litter collected. One bag of fly-tipped litter reported to the council for collection (fat chance). .

upcoming Events

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past Events

Halloween pick

Litter pick around Sheerwater. Two bags of litter collected from the area around the Recreation Ground. I was dismayed to watch a car drive off in Devonshire Avenue at around midday, leaving a pool ...

Great British Spring Clean

Great British Spring Clean at Sheerwater Recreation Ground. We collected 10 bags of litter, a traffic cone, a pallet and a tea trolley. Other items of interest included a door handle, a kettle, a pai...

Hot Weather

After a hot weekend you'd expect there to be a lot of litter about. Our team went out on Monday evening and we were hard pressed to fill two bags with litter. Covering our usual area of the Sheerwat...


I'm using the event diary as a blog because there's nowhere else. Have been running Sheerwater Nitpickers for a bit over a month now. We've collected about 30 bags of litter in that time. What we'v...

Thursday Night Out

Regular Thursday evening nitpicking. 2 bags of rubbish collected. Bottles, cans, food wrappers, cigarette ends, only one pre-wrapped bag of doggie poo. Evidence of two evening picnics that had proba...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

West Wight Litter Pickers
The Isle of Wight is one of the prettiest parts of the country - but some areas are scarred by litter. We hope to meet up for occasional litter picks of footpaths and beaches in the western half of our lovely island. Many hands make light work, so please join us and make a difference.
16 years
Anstey Litterpickers
Anstey Litterpickers are simply fed up with the amount of discarded McDonalds and KFC wrappers, beer cans, fag packets etc thrown out of car windows along the lovely country roads around Anstey and Charnwood. We just want to do something about it!
11 years
Friends of Warndon Villages
The Friends of Warndon Villages are an active community volunteer group working to improve and enhance Warndon Villages in Worcester, UK.
9 years
Clapton Somerset
Volunteer group organised by the local Village Hall Committee. We pledge to fight back against the thoughtless discarding of litter from passing vehicles and to try to take action to identify fly tippers and repeat offenders.
8 years
Fulbourn Forum for community action
We aim to clear litter from most streets and out to the parish boundaries twice a year.
15 years
Salisbury Cleanup Group
Aim to clear up litter in and around Salisbury .
55 years
Gosport Town Litter Pickers
This group closed in February 2014 as the organiser moved out of the area and there were no other members
13 years
Raising awareness campaign. Connecting all interested groups and individuals, under the umbrella Pick Up For Pendle. Aiming to encourage more people to pick-up and offenders to take note!
9 years
KEPT - Keep East Preston Tidy
To follow
6 years
Triton Road cycle picker
I joined my friend Ryan's group Clean Lincoln Everywhere And Now and we picked the virge and copse along am 800m stretch of Triton Rd in Lincoln. Afterwards I decided to attempt to manage it by litter picking, by bike, on my daily commute to and from work. I also join in with the Sincil Bank River Care team, when I can. I enjoy working in and on the water.
55 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group