Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Litter Pick

Sandbach,CW11 1RN

13 Mar 2010


10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Brereton Clean Team Litter Pick

Saturday 10am - 12pm - meet at Brereton Primary School Car Park

Brereton Clean Team Litter Pick

Saturday 10am - 12pm - meet at Brereton Primary School Car Park

Brereton Clean Team Litter Pick

Saturday 10am - 12pm - meet at Brereton Primary School Car Park

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Guildford Litter Action
Currently litter picking in the Bellfields area of Guildford. New volunteers welcome for this and all other Guildford areas!
3 years
Diamond (Ridge) Geezers
As our contribution to the Duke of Edinburgh’s scheme volunteering requirement, and as local residents (who dog walk, run and cycle across the heathlands), we are collecting litter for the next 12 weeks and will carry on after that to clean up the woodlands and heaths surrounding camberley. We will focus on barossa and diamond ridge hence the name of the group being Diamond Geezers.
5 years
St. Briavels Beautifiers
I am the sole member of this group so far and would like to recruit other like-minded, local litter-killers. I've armed myself with a litter-picker-upper stick, bought online for a tenner, and I use recycled, plastic, supermarket bags for the collections. I walk around my village on litter-spotting missions every now and then with my fiance and our baby daughter. Good exercise and the lanes look much nicer. 'Hotspots' for litter are the bus shelter and the playing fields. Great feeling of satisfaction too. My aim is to keep our beautiful village 100% litter-free.
13 years
Salford Litter Heroes
We are a community-led litter picking group doing as many litter picks as we can to clean up Salford and to try educate people on how to report litter/fly tipping issues.
5 years
Friends of Cheney Row Park
Friends of Cheney Row Park (FoCRP) is a not-for-profit community group managed by a committee of volunteers on behalf of local residents. Events are open to all. We run litter-picking sessions in the park and surrounding area. We also tend to trees, wildflowers and recently planted spring bulbs.
3 years
Bush Hill Park Residents Association
Bush Hill Park Residents\' Association organise 2 litter picks a year usually in April and October. We cover an area of about 1/2 a mile or so around BHP Station.
3 years
Tidy up St Leonards
Voluntary Group. Tidy ↻p St Leonard's ! Holds events to tidy up and improve the streets, paths and woodlands of St Leonard's, East Sussex. Work with local and county councils, report issues requiring attention such as fly tipping, defective infrastructure and waste requiring collection. Liaise with local businesses, schools and organisations. Engage with them and raise awareness of the litter problems in St Leonard's. We are a non political group.
6 years
Litter Free Baildon
The aim is to bring together like-minded people to tackle the problem of litter in Baildon and to encourage others not to ignore the problem but to be part of the solution.
7 years
South Street
South Street is a rural area of east Kent close to the village of Boughton. The purpose of the group is to encourage regular walkers from the area to help keep roads and footpaths clear and tidy.
11 years
Pathway Neighbourhood Litter Action
At Pathway neighborhood, we are working for a better society, by giving the young people chances to learn how to act, develop, express, earn, belong and influence there community in a positive way. It is important to stress that young people, just like adults, learn through active participation.
12 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group