Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Keeping Coleshill Clean


19 Feb 2016


Every time a Coleshill Resident sees litter please pick it up and place in a bin . We all live here in this beautiful Market town steeped in history look after it please .

upcoming Events

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Falkland Road Litter Pickers
We are taking litter picking in to our own hands. We are fed up with plastic bags and rubbish littering our streets, blowing in to our gardens and spoiling our pavements. We are proud of where we live and want to encourage others to care for our streets as we do. Our vision is for a clean environment for our families and friends. We are an open group and welcome anyone to join.
8 years
Purbrook and Widley Area Residents Association (PAWARA)
We periodically organise group litter picks around the Purbrook and Widley areas, including in local woodland. The aim of the Adopt a Grot Spot campaign is for individual residents to tackle litter in areas not routinely cleared by the Council.
20 years
Newlands Grange
The aim of this group is to keep our estate and its adjoining green spaces clear of litter. I collect on a regular basis and would love to be supported by other like minded people.
5 years
South Area Tidy Team
Commissioned group of the South Area Council, Barnsley. Working with you to make your community better - we are going to make our community a better place to live for future generations.
10 years
Village Action Litter Busters
We are part of the Frampton Cotterell and Coalpit Heath Village Action initiative. We aim to co-ordinate the efforts of local people in promoting awareness of the problem of litter; improving attitudes; and taking part in monthly organised litter picking, with the aim of keeping our villages pleasant and pretty. We know that many residents look after the roadsides and paths adjacent to their own homes and wish to encourage this. Some of our members carry chalk to mark dog fouling on pavements, to help people avoid stepping in it and to tell irresponsible dog owners that they should be clearing up after their pet. Litter picking can be very rewarding, and is an opportunity to get out and make new contacts in the village. Please get in touch if you can help in any way, however small. Please email us if there is any particular area in the village over which you have concerns about litter. In 2012 Nisa - Village Roots in Woodend Road gave us some funds and we have bought some hi-viz vests with 'Volunteer - Village Action Litter Busters' printed on them. We are grateful for their continuing support. South Glos Council support us with sacks, picker sticks and bag hoops. See Upcoming Events for dates and meeting points for monthly litter picks. Please see our gallery below for some pictures of our members, including two younger litter busters!
13 years
Mexborough Ferryboat Association
Our volunteers litter pick the length of Mexborough canal and the Ferryboat slipway.
9 years
Rawcliffe Rubbish Ridders
Founded to counteract the ever-increasing amount of litter, dog fouling etc in our village, the group was established independently of the the Parish Council. East Riding of Yorkshire Council provided high visibility jackets, litter sticks, gloves and bags. We meet fortnightly on the village Green although many members (approx 18 at present) also go about as and when they feel inclined! We have not yet enlisted any younger members but this may happen. We would like to have our own "uniform" so that we can be easily recognised and not mistaken for Community Service people!! Our first annual 3Rs bash takes place in the Co-ordinator's garden on Saturday, August 18th. No litter will be left behind!!
13 years
This group is in a picturesque Suffolk village, with excellent contractors coming here frequently collecting 4 binfuls of litter a week - but still the litter comes!! Time for a Spring clean and community action!
9 years
Weymouth dog Beach Walkers
We are a group of dog walkers who regularly walk Weymouth Beach and notice litter being left behind by beach users. On 6th November we collected over 10 bags of litter left from Guy Fawkes night.
8 years
Clean Seas Please
Clean Seas Please is based in East Sussex and it's main focus is to bring the quality of the bathing water in the area to good or excellent against the EU regulations. This is done by talking to residents and visitors, beach cleans, events and working with local schools or community groups.
11 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group