Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Hunslet TARA

Leeds LS10, UK

10 Aug 2021


Organised by the Hunslet Tenants And Residents Association community litter pick supported by the CID Cleanup Team.

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Cross Green August Community Litter Pick

To collect as much litter as we can in an hour or two starting from St Hilda’s church on Cross Green Lane LS9.

Richmond Bridge Clean-up

Litter from the River Aire

Love Parks Week

Cleaning up East Street Skate Park and the surrounding roads

Trenthams and Rowlands

Weekly Litter Pick

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Green Jim
Litter picking and much much more in Stanmore Country Park, Stanmore Common & Ponds. Green Gym work outs can include helping volunteer wardens with various projects, including shrub clearance, bramble cutting-back, unwanted shoot removal and any other environmental jobs under guidance! We have guided walks with knowledgeable wardens and keen amateurs. This is an opportunity to meet new people and enjoy quiet and lovely natual environments in north west London. All this and litter picking too! Come and join us!! The litter-picking is just one means of keeping these rural areas pleasant for all kinds of aminal users including human ones!
16 years
Dagenham Community Volunteers
A litter picking group covering Beam Parklands / Old Dagenham Park. Looking for more volunteers so we can over a larger area.
4 years
Friends of Badock's Wood Litter Group
We aim to keep Badock's Wood as clear of litter as possible so that it is a safe and welcoming place for the resident wildlife and for visitors.
9 years
Mexborough Ferryboat Association
Our volunteers litter pick the length of Mexborough canal and the Ferryboat slipway.
9 years
Anstey Litterpickers
Anstey Litterpickers are simply fed up with the amount of discarded McDonalds and KFC wrappers, beer cans, fag packets etc thrown out of car windows along the lovely country roads around Anstey and Charnwood. We just want to do something about it!
11 years
Banbury is a lovely town and its surrounding areas look fabulous. If you're interested in keeping it this way, please join us and help whenever you can, as much as you can. We appreciate time is precious but we are positive there are like-minded people out there who will support keeping banbury tidy.
13 years
tonyrefail litter pickers
myself and a couple of like minded individuals have been litter picking our local parks, back lanes and mountains for as long as we can remember. the amount of rubbish we are finding is getting worse and worse so we are aiming to do as much as we possibly can so that we can get our parks, lanes and country sides back to how they should be... litter free! our aim is to show people that it's super fun, cool and easy to make that little bit of difference to the environment, hopeing that they will join in on our quest to keep the earth clean.
55 years
The litter Pickers of north bolton
We try to be positive about our work We litter pick as a group every Sunday, we also support lots of lone Pickers that go out during the week to litter pick . We tackle grot spots and support new litter picking groups in other areas of bolton
9 years
Fringe dwellers
Cleaning up our local area and implementing measures to prevent further littering / fly tipping.
9 years
Truckers cleaning up Britian
our aim is to keep truckers Laybys Industrial estates I free from litter at the places we parkup for the night. to Be part of the Solution Not the Problem.
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group