Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Haslar Sea Wall

18 alver bridge view,alverstoke,gosport,po12 2hf

12 May 2012


Haslar Sea Wall and surrounding area if time permits. Lovely sunny day for litter picking with the brilliant back drop of the IOW. We started at 1100 hrs and finished at 1330 hrs. We cleared a lot of rubbish along the wall and the surrounding area. We completely filled the industrial blue bins (need to call Streetscene). We were told by some guys fishing it was the first time they have seen anyone clearing the rubbish - yeah, we'll do it for you mate. However, met a nice guy (Bradley) who was eager to show us his bag of rubbish and told us how he castigates his fellow fisherman who are not so considerate. Anyway, very satisfied with the result we could really see how we have made a difference. Richard..

upcoming Events

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past Events

Crescent Road To South Street

Hello everyone, this will be a pick along the cycle/walkway from Crescent Road up to South Street. If we could meet at the beggining of the path on Crescent Road on Sunday 21 October at 1000 hrs we c...

Haslar Lake

Meet at the entrance to Asda Supermarket on Dock Road at 1000 hrs. Work our way down to the lake, assess the situation, then get picking. Hello everyone, Well done, great effort, we collected 13 ba...

Workhouse Lake

Hello all, I will be inspecting a few places when I get home next week and suggest a place to pick. The time will 1000 hrs. However, If any of you have any ideas please email me and I could look at th...

Olympic Clean Up

All hands to the pump - Combined Litter Pick, Alverstoke Litter Pickers please be at Morrisons Supermarket at 0930 hrs. We will then proceed up to the White Hart where we will meet with the other gro...

Park Road Plus

Park Road Plus - which means we meet on the bridge at Little Anglesey Road and Park Road at 1000 hrs. Litter bags, litter pickers and "Alverstoke Litter Pickers" hi vis jackets will be supplied. Any ...

Alverbridge Village

Meeting at Little Anglesey Road moving into village. Weather was dry but a bit cold. Did a quick pick along Little Anglesey Road and then moved into the village. Several people spoke to the group and ...

Little Anglesey to Lifeboat Lane

Our second litter pick area will be from the end of Little Anglesey Road to Lifeboat Road - but it will also be about letting people know about us. Last time we had a few people stopping and talking t...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Hathershaw Litter Busters
We are a group of residents in Hathershaw Oldham Lancashire and are passionate and dedicated to keeping our area and community clean and tidy with help from local authorities. I hope other communities will pluck up the courage and get out there to help your local area and community. We aim to organize new events and litter picks in the future. We try and strive to make a more pleasant area to live in and for visitors of the community to say "wow!" A resident clean up session will be on Sunday 30th June around the Hathershaw area. If you would like more information then please contact me or just come along and get your hands dirty. Our aim and promise is to free up the streets,alleyways and grass and park area's so people can have pride in their community and also respect what other people do for the borough. Website and blog coming soon. If you have any questions or want to join us please E-mail me. Thanks We are buying some new green litter carts as seen in our group photo's they look the business and will help us clean up easily. We will be having another community clean up this month so all volunteers get ready. Quote: Someone asked me the other day and said your mad for picking up litter week in week out, so I said I ain't mad I'm happy to pick other people's mess it's a challenge for me, I get annoyed because people and kid's need educating but it's the attitudes I hate, well I cant be bothered and there's not enough bins do something about it and buy some bins or ask your local council, truth is you could have ten litter bins in a line on a road but someone will drop it on the floor...ah well, me I will carry on regard less with my group until other people realise that we need to keep our streets, alleyways and parks clean...I rest my case your honour. Added a new Hathershaw litter Busters logo in group photos We are cleaning up a alleyway in Hathershaw on Sunday so local residents get your gloves on and muck in for the community. Also before that a community litter pick all equipment supplied by Oldham council, thanks. August 4th so come along ok. #keepOldhamclean #Letskeepourcommunitybeautiful In our photo gallery I have added a picture of litter bins that I hope we can recycle and reuse for our community to save the authorities time and money.
5 years
Brockworth Parish Council
Meets regularly to litter pick around Horsbere Brook and Mill Lane playing field.
17 years
Mendip Society Pickers
One of the Mendip Society's aims is to care for the Mendip Hills. The beauty of this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is being compromised by the rubbish left behind by it's thousands of visitors (and residents too!) This group of members is starting to wage a war on litter, joining up with other groups whenever we can.
12 years
Middlewich Clean Team
The Middlewich Clean Team was set up with the basic intention of keeping our town litter free. However we now do much more as we have an education programme working in all of our schools and pre-school groups and have carried out a number of environmental projects. We have a small committee and well over 100 members. Litter picking is undertaken by all members, either by joining a group litter pick or simply by keeping an area litter free. We have also worked with Government Departments on controlling ant-social behaviour and very recently, several of our members qualified as Community Crime Fighters and have been involved in the restorative justice system. We help set up other Clean Teams nationally and are the Mother Clean Team to some of the other organisations included on this site.
22 years
OxClean is an Oxford Civic Society initiative dedicated to cleaning up Oxford and keeping our city clean and tidy all year round. The overall objective is to establish our streets and public spaces as places designed for the safe enjoyment of the people. Our strategy is to both clean up accumulated litter and rubbish and to prevent the problem occurring in the first place. OxClean also runs a Schools Education Campaign and is mounting other campaigns to change attitudes. See website for details
17 years
Tidy Tavi
Tidy Tavi volunteers meet on the first Saturday each month to pick up litter from the streets and public spaces of the lovely town of Tavistock in Devon. We have been operating since October 2012 and attendance varies from about 18-30 local residents. We do not operate any sort of membership scheme or register. Volunteers simply come along when they can spare some time. This is important because we do not want anyone to feel committed to join in every month, or even for the full 2 hours. We work from 10 AM to midday and frequently fill 30-40 sacks of rubbish that are disposed of by West Devon District Council. Litter pickers, high visibility jackets, rubbish bags and hoops are provided. The group is supported by many local businesses including Tesco, who send some of their staff to help, and the Meadowlands Leisure Centre, where the group meets, who store our equipment for us. Several cafés in Tavistock supply free teas and coffees to volunteers. Critical support is also provided by our local newspaper, the Tavistock Times Gazette, who publish reports and print recruiting posters for the group.
12 years
West Rainton Clean-up Team
The Clean-up Team is part of West Rainton Green Group, which was formed in April 2003. We aim to remove litter from paths, bridleways, road verges and other open space in the vicinity of West Rainton, thereby improving the attractiveness of the local area. The work is undertaken by members of the Green Group in their spare time. We organise about five or six events each year, and members of our team also collect litter on an individual basis from time to time when the need arises. Since the start of the project we have collected 100 - 150 bags a year, and attempt to recycle as much as possible, particularly cans and bottles. Prior to each event contact is made with Durham County Council, who provide a truck to remove all the bags that are collected. We have contributed to national and regional environmental programmes such as Community Service Volunteers 'Action Earth' campaign, City of Sunderland's 'Just Bin It' campaign, Litterfree Durham's 'Big Spring Clean' and the ENCAMS 'Big Tidy Up'. Since 2009 we have worked in partnership with Network Rail to clean up a nearby length of disused railway. As well as litter-picking we also alert Durham County Council and City of Sunderland Council to fly-tipping in the vicinity of the village as soon as it happens. Prompt removal has significantly improved the visual appeal of local lanes and paths. About 300 incidents have been reported since 2003.
21 years
Hawth Ushers
We are a group of Ushers at the Hawth Theatre here in Crawley fed up with the disgusting mess left in the auditorium, after some of the shows. Recently we had new carpets and seating installed but despite this the litter and even chewing gum on seats is as bad as ever.
13 years
Shotley Bridge Village Trust
The Trust has been in existence for over 20 years but only started its annual spring litter pick in 2007. Normally between 10 and 20 people turn out to help. We also have individual members that keep their local area free of litter. We are a registered charity, which aims to improve the environment in the village and promote a high standard of development, whether it be in new buildings or the renovation and alteration of existing property. We aim to secure the protection and improvement of features of public and historic interest and encourage an interest in the history of the area. Issues that we have addressed over recent years include the desirability and standard of new development proposals and changes to the use and appearance of existing buildings, a wide variety of traffic and highway issues, litter and dog fouling. We have arranged for the erection of plaques to provide information about people and buildings of historic interest, organised village litter pick days and had a variety of speakers at our open meetings. We have presented Design Awards for the best new development, following a poll of members. In the past we have published booklets of items about the history and development of the village and produced a leaflet of heritage trails in the village. More recently we have produced a local directory and been assisting the local businesses and community groups in organising the Shotley Bridge Victorian Christmas Weekend, including litter picks to keep the village looking attractive during the event. In 2011 we were awarded 'outstanding' in the RHS 'It's Your Neighbourhood" award scheme for Britain in Bloom. We have purchased 50 flower tubs, 8 barrier baskets and a trough for the conservation area and our volunteers plant and maintain summer & winter bedding. in 2012 we entered Northumbria in Bloom and were awarded Silver. We gained a Silver Gilt in 2013 and again in 2014. We are aiming for Gold in 2015. Each year we give awards for the best business & residential floral displays. Open meetings are held 3 times a year in the Catholic Church Hall for members and guests to raise and discuss issues arising in the village. Please visit our website for further information.
17 years
Rawmarsh and Parkgate friends of green spaces
We aim to improve the local environment and work in conjunction with the local councillors. 2700 bags collected in 2018
55 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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