Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

Erdington, Birmingham,B23 6DF

09 Nov 2019


10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or as little as you can to help clean up the area. Stop for a coffee with us afterwards if you like! .

upcoming Events

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past Events

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Erdington Litter Busters - Community Clean Up

10:00am - 11:30am on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. We meet outside The Orchard, YMCA 301 Reservoir Rd, Erdington Birmingham B23 6DF. All are welcome to come along and do as much or a...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Local volunteers and parish councillors aiming to keep our parish litter free and tidy.
10 years
Rawcliffe Rubbish Ridders
Founded to counteract the ever-increasing amount of litter, dog fouling etc in our village, the group was established independently of the the Parish Council. East Riding of Yorkshire Council provided high visibility jackets, litter sticks, gloves and bags. We meet fortnightly on the village Green although many members (approx 18 at present) also go about as and when they feel inclined! We have not yet enlisted any younger members but this may happen. We would like to have our own "uniform" so that we can be easily recognised and not mistaken for Community Service people!! Our first annual 3Rs bash takes place in the Co-ordinator's garden on Saturday, August 18th. No litter will be left behind!!
13 years
As I travel by car around the SE I intend to pick up litter as and when i CAN
13 years
St Wilfrid's Lidget Green
We're a friendly bunch open to everyone, hoping to get Lidget Green clean and tidy.
4 years
Varying events where litter picking is needed in our town. Mainly thinking about our wild areas to care for our wilderness and animals
3 years
Gamston Litter Pickers
Rubbish disposal and fly tipping is becoming an increasing problem nationally compounded by reduced services across the counties. Many communities are taking it upon themselves to get out and tidy up their local areas by grabbing a bag and a litter picker and spending an hour or so in their immediate local area picking up discarded rubbish. If you are interested in meeting up once a month then please come along on the third Saturday, and together we can make a difference to rubbish and fly tipping in our area. All equipment is provided, including ‘kids kits’ so that children can participate safely too. We meet at 10am at the Gamston Village Hall and are out for a maximum of 2 hours. The monthly litter picking is in Gamston but the equipment is available for all residents of the villages of Adbolton, Bassingfield, Gamston and Holme Pierrepont to use.
6 years
Appleby Litter Pickers!
We are a small group of volunteers who go out and about armed with litter picking sticks, hoops and bags collecting discarded litter from the paths and verges around our beautiful village and surrounding area. We are proud of where we live and by keeping the lanes and village litter free it shows we care about our community. We meet on a regular basis, usually at the weekend, tackling the area road by road. We try and keep Risby Road, Ermine Street north and south of the village for a couple of miles in each direction as well as within the village itself clear of litter. Sometimes we go further afield if the urge takes us! We welcome your support. Details of the forthcoming Litter-Pick dates may be found here on the Litter action website, on the village website ( on the village notice board and on the village FaceBook Group (residents will need to join to see the information). We are supported by North Lincolnshire Council who collect the sacks of litter from our home for which we are very grateful. While we are always pleased to welcome new helpers to our small group of volunteers, if you can't help but wish to show your support please give us a toot on your horn and a cheery wave (and a wide berth) when you see us - a spot of encouragement goes a long way! Little could be said to beat the sense of achievement when you have litter picked the beautiful lanes surrounding our village. The countryside is transformed! Getting rid of litter really DOES make a difference!
14 years
Friends of Riverside Park Newhaven
Friends of Riverside Park was set up following a failed attempt to build a water park on the land which is owned by East Sussex County Council & Lewes District Council and now known as Riverside Park, Newhaven. The site was up until the late 1970s/early 1980s a landfill site for the town. Once the site was full to capacity it was capped and left to nature. We now have a wonderful array of wildlife and recently funds were spent by the local Councils to make improvements including a properly laid circular path, benches dotted around the park, a bird viewing platform, owl nest box and various hibernacula and scrapes. Scrub has been managed to improve the quality of the soil. All this has been done with the help and assistance of the Friends of Riverside Park who work as a go-between the Community who use the Park and the Councils. As part of our ongoing support we organise monthly litter picks to safeguard the natural environment & are making other small improvements to the area including more litter bins and hopefully seating.
12 years
Rossall Beach Residents & Community Group
The original Fylde Coast beach care group, we look after the shingle beach between the Five Bar Gate and The Venue at Cleveleys. Our core activities are a four weekly community beach clean and a monthly meeting - and throughout the year we do lots of other things to help to improve this beautiful stretch of coast for the people who use it and the wildlife which lives here. Oh, and we have a lot of fun and make a lot of friends - the community which we create is every bit as important as the litter which we pick up! For the dates of forthcoming beach cleans and events please go to: - our website at - our Facebook page at Rossall Beach Buddies - Twitter @RossBeachBudds
16 years
Motorhome Litter Action Group
All over the UK, motorhome owners stop for a few hours and sometimes stay the night in rural carparks and laybys - some call this 'Wild Camping'. In an effort to put something back for our free stays in beautiful places, group members collect up litter in the vicinty of their 'Wild Camp' and dispose of it correctly.
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group