Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Crick Weighbridge

6 Morrison Park Road ,West Haddon, Northampton,NN6 7BJ

15 Aug 2020


Meet at 10.30am in layby 12 bags collected from 5 Wombles, 2 bags of recycling. The area is looking much better for it but it feels like we have only just scratched the surface!.

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Rye hills Nursery

A428 from top roundabout to just passed Ryehills Nursery 8 bags of grot, lots of historic stuff

Yelvertoft/Crick circular

Yelvertoft Village Hall toCrick and back Collected 4 bags of grot, reported flat tipping

WH lower bypass

Pick along the lower West Haddon bypass plus the main road into Winwick 8 bags collected, lots of McLitter, bottles and cans.


Meet at Crick Pocket Park 10am 5 pickers today, we covered Cracks Hill, Millennium Wood and Jubilee Wood 3 bags collected

WH Village

Village litter pick plus lower bypass Reported 2 lots of fly tipping plus 3 bags collected

Guilsborough Rd to roundabout plus footpath by school

Guilsborough Rd MPR junction to roundabout Footpath by school and village hall 3 bags collected, reported 7 abandoned sand bags reported to NCC

Daventry Sports Park and Winwick

Daventry Sports Park - 8.45 to 9.30am (whilst junior parkrun is on) Winwick Road from crossroads 2-3pm 3 bags collected from Daventry Sports Park, lots of rubbish in amongst the hedges in the car park...

Guilsborough Rd Roundabout

Guilsborough Rd roundabout 3 bags collected before the wind and rain got the better of me!

Ryehills to Roundabout

3 bags collected from this relatively short but scruffy looking area!

West Haddon Bypass

Meet at 10.30 Yelvertoft Rd/Bypass junction We will cover the area from the Crick Rd roundabout to Guilsborough Rd roundabout Lovely to have 5 volunteers turn up to do the West Haddon Bypass from Cric...

Slyes Close area clean up

Slyes Close down to bypass area Area covered: Yelvertoft Rd from West End to the bypass then back down to bus stop. West Haddon Football Field Park at Eaglestone Drive 4 bags filled, 1 of clean recycl...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The Nantwich Pickers
Our aim is to ensure that Arnold Street and the surrounding area is as litter free as possible. Me and my two sons (4 and 6 years old) feel very passionately about protecting the environment and will do our bit!
5 years
Litter walks Aylesbury
My daughter came up with the idea as it is something we already did as a family. A bit like park run is the idea. Once a week we meet up for a good walk picking up litter and meet new people in our community.
5 years
Simister Village Clean and Health Association
I am going to door to door for this campaign as soon as I get litter pickers kit.
5 years
Hunslet Carr Wombles
This is a rolling monthly litter picks of different Hunslet Carr neighbourhoods. The Leeds City Council Litter Picking Kit will be supplied, so all you need to do is bring yourself.
3 years
Pride of the Borough (Oadby & Wigston )
We have 3 main aims ​ Improve the environment of Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston To work with Oadby and Wigston Borough Council to support the Borough's entry into East Midlands in Bloom Encourage and support community activities that will increase pride in our Borough
20 years
Marlow Wombles
We are a friendly group of volunteers who do Litter picking and gardening in our communty.
3 years
Rawmarsh and Parkgate friends of green spaces
We aim to improve the local environment and work in conjunction with the local councillors. 2700 bags collected in 2018
55 years
Pathway Neighbourhood Litter Action
At Pathway neighborhood, we are working for a better society, by giving the young people chances to learn how to act, develop, express, earn, belong and influence there community in a positive way. It is important to stress that young people, just like adults, learn through active participation.
12 years
Appleby Litter Pickers!
We are a small group of volunteers who go out and about armed with litter picking sticks, hoops and bags collecting discarded litter from the paths and verges around our beautiful village and surrounding area. We are proud of where we live and by keeping the lanes and village litter free it shows we care about our community. We meet on a regular basis, usually at the weekend, tackling the area road by road. We try and keep Risby Road, Ermine Street north and south of the village for a couple of miles in each direction as well as within the village itself clear of litter. Sometimes we go further afield if the urge takes us! We welcome your support. Details of the forthcoming Litter-Pick dates may be found here on the Litter action website, on the village website ( on the village notice board and on the village FaceBook Group (residents will need to join to see the information). We are supported by North Lincolnshire Council who collect the sacks of litter from our home for which we are very grateful. While we are always pleased to welcome new helpers to our small group of volunteers, if you can't help but wish to show your support please give us a toot on your horn and a cheery wave (and a wide berth) when you see us - a spot of encouragement goes a long way! Little could be said to beat the sense of achievement when you have litter picked the beautiful lanes surrounding our village. The countryside is transformed! Getting rid of litter really DOES make a difference!
14 years
Weston Litter Group
Weston Litter Group was set up in 2010. We meet on the 1st Saturday of every month at the Moravian Church car-park (just off the High Street roundabout). We cover all areas of Weston, such as the High Street, The Rec, Southlands, Eastville Avenue, Broadmoor Lane, Cotswold Way etc. We have all our own equipment....McDonalds have kindly donated 10 litter grabbers, Chaplins Newsagents abled us to purchase 20 pairs of gloves and Bath & NE Somerset Council supply us with bags and a collection service. Look forward to meeting you at a pick! Chris
14 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group