Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Community litter pick

Lyppard Hub,Worcester,WR4 0DZ

29 Nov 2016


Come and join in with the regular Community Litter pick! Meeting at The Lyppard Hub at 10:30am in the foyer. Bags and equipment provided. Free tea and biscuits afterwards supplied by the Hub! .

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Alderley Edge In Bloom
Working together to create a greener, cleaner more beautiful village. volunteer group who litter pick weekly in the local community as part of our entry in to the RHS North West In Bloom competition.We Create and maintain plant displays in the village of Alderley Edge. We Generally pick Monday’s 10:00am, meet Station car park. We extend a warm welcome to new volunteers. We can provide all the litter picking equipment, insurance and training. If you can't attend one of our regular weekly picks but would like to collect litter in your own time using our insurance / support, this is the perfectly fine. Every little bit of help counts! We are pleased to partner with Ansa Services and The Alderley Edge Parish Council.
10 years
Northern Slopes
We hold a weekly Green Gym session where we litter pick and do low key enhancements to the nature area. Litter and fly tipping has been a major problem over the years but since we started the group over 6 years ago the site is a lot cleaner. Other users tend to pick as they go too.
26 years
Benson Tidy Group
A group of local people concerned about our local village and are prepared to assist in tackling cleaning and tidy jobs that are not getting done by the local councils. We work is collaboration with our parish council.
7 years
Winchester Litterpickers
Winchester Litter Pickers were founded in 1995 when three people decided to do more about the litter problem in and around the City. Currently (December 2021) we have over 40 active volunteers and many more supporters. We think it is especially important to give visitors to Winchester a good impression of the City. During the summer months we tidy the Outer Close of the Cathedral daily in the late afternoon and on Monday mornings throughout the year we clear the approaches to the railways station. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings we clear suburban areas in turn, concentrating on the streets and open spaces near the local shops and in particularly bad black spots. We are very much into recycling, recovering the cans, glass and plastic bottles we collect wherever practicable. We are also keen to limit the damaging effects of plastic litter. We are a very sociable group and normally meet up for hot drinks and chats after our litter picks. We also have a very popular annual party. Anyone who would like to join us is invited to call Eddie Woodnutt on 01962 863047 or Jan Wood on 01962 853712 or email us on You are very welcome to join any of our litter picks as a non-member, but please let us know in advance, so that we can bring along a spare litter grabber if necessary.
29 years
Stoke Primary School Coventry
We are a local authority primary school and are wanting to contribute to the community where litter is concerned.
13 years
Better Thornton Heath
The group's aim is to make Thornton Heath a cleaner and greener environment for people to live.
10 years
We meet to pick up litter in Morrab Gardens on the 1st Sunday of every month.
7 years
The Wombles of Willenhall
We have about 350 members, and about 50 active .This year we have collected 3200 bags of rubbish
8 years
Community Clear Up
Though litter is picked regularly in the Village of Horndean unfortunately no sooner it is cleared than more is dropped. We are hoping to have all ages to help us keep Horndean and surrounding areas as clear of litter as possible. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us.
13 years
Local Streets
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group