Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Big Tidy Up

Shotley Bridge,Consett,DH8 0RE

13 Mar 2010


Joining forces with the Benfieldside, Blackhill, Bridgehill & Shotley Bridge Community Partnership for this event. Meet at the Baptist Church Hall on Pemberton Road at 9.30am. Finish by 12.00 noon. Groundwork North East and Durham County Council are also assisting. Bring gardening gloves - all other equipment provided. All children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Teams were sent out to the 'litter hotspots' that had been identified by survey. Thanks to the Consett Rugby club [U17 & U18 teams] for volunteering and Groundwork North East for helping to organise. Groundwork, CPRE Durham Branch and Durham County Council helped provide the equipment. 75 volunteers took part and nearly 150 bags of litter were collected throughout the whole of the Partnership area..

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Community Clear Up Day

This year the Trust has arranged its annual litter pick to coincide with ‘Community Clear Up Day’, a national initiative by the Keep Britain Tidy organisation. We will also be helping to...

Spring litter pick

Meet Golden Flower car park at 9.30

Spring Litter Pick

Meet at 9.30am in the car park next to The Golden Flower. Bring gloves and wear stout shoes. Litter pickers and bags provided. This is a general tidy up throughout the village, particularly within ...

Summer litter pick

Litter pick throughout the village, particularly within the boundary of the Northumbria in Bloom entry. If sufficient people attend we shall also litter pick along the roads leading out of the village...

Annual Litter Pick

Litter pick throughout the village, particularly within the boundary of the Northumbria in Bloom entry. If sufficient people attend we shall also litter pick along the roads leading out of the village...

Big Spring Clean

In support of Litterfree Durham’s “Big Spring Clean”, the Trust is holding a litter pick on the morning of Saturday 2nd April this year. On Saturday morning 8 members of the Trust g...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Folkestone Litter Pickers
Starting up a group in Folkestone. Looking for people to join me.
4 years
The Valley Riverside Project
we are a small conservation group improving Billesley Common for wild life &for the benefit of local people. we are organising a big litter pick with local groups &schools
55 years
Buxton Litter Picking Group
We are a group of like minded individuals which operate under the umbrella of the Buxton Town Team. We meet once a month on the first Sunday of the month at 11am-1pm. Check out the Buxton Town Team Facebook Page for where to meet as it changes every month, or email me
10 years
Kirton clean up crew
We wish to live in a clean tidy safe environment. if you want to make a difference you have to get up and do something about. Our group litter picks regularly and several do it while dog walking. Like minded group of people who enjoy living in a litter free community. Litter costs nature and the environment we continue to strive to fight against this needless blight.
7 years
Rawcliffe Rubbish Ridders
Founded to counteract the ever-increasing amount of litter, dog fouling etc in our village, the group was established independently of the the Parish Council. East Riding of Yorkshire Council provided high visibility jackets, litter sticks, gloves and bags. We meet fortnightly on the village Green although many members (approx 18 at present) also go about as and when they feel inclined! We have not yet enlisted any younger members but this may happen. We would like to have our own "uniform" so that we can be easily recognised and not mistaken for Community Service people!! Our first annual 3Rs bash takes place in the Co-ordinator's garden on Saturday, August 18th. No litter will be left behind!!
13 years
Marske Litter Action
Local people working to keep Marske-by-the-sea litter free. We organise regular beach clean ups and litter picking around our area. We have cabinets where you can borrow equipment to do your own litter pick at a time that suits you. Get in touch or join us at our next event if you want to help out! Events are advertised on our Facebook page - just search for Marske Litter Action or email us at
16 years
Brereton Clean Team
The Brereton Clean Team is organised by the Brereton Parish Community Interest Group. We are affiliated to the Sandbach Clean Team. We litter pick around the Parish every 2 months. This is always on Saturday mornings, 10am-12pm.
18 years
Bells Yew Green Clean Team
Tidy our community while building our community!
5 years
I am retired and collect litter as an individual. I started litter picking when I was living in Small Heath and collected more than 1,750 bags over a three year period. I have now moved to Coseley, which is far less blighted by litter, but it is still about. I collect litter two or three times a week around Upper Ettingshall Road, Ivy House Lane, Shaw Road and roads and alleys leading from that area.
7 years
Handsworth Clean-up Squad
Our focus will be the park located on Watt street as well as the surrounding pavements and streets. Eventually when there are enough members we can expand further and target other localised areas within Handsworth.
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group