Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Beach Clean

Liverpool,L23 6SX

10 Aug 2019


40 adult and 13 junior volunteers, collected 11 full bags of plastic rubbish from Crosby Beach .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The WolfPack
I would like to focus on the local nature reserve. It is such a wonderful place but unfortunately trash can be found everywhere. I would like to find some wonderful people and together clean this area as it\'s not only a great place to admire nature, go for a run, a hike or walk your dog, but it is also home to a wide range of wildlife species
3 years
Solo at moment but will try to get local surport. Just returned from asia thought the pictures I saw on internet were made up. Now seen with my own eyes the problem are world is in.
6 years
Quickfire Closed Group
This group is closed
4 years
Ainsdale Civic Society
Ainsdale Civic Society comprises an active group of people whose common aim is to make Ainsdale a better place to live, work and play.
55 years
Tiverton Volunteer Litter Pickers Group
We aim to prevent and discourage litter and ensure its removal as rapidly and effectively as possible, in order to maintain a clean and attractive environment in and around Tiverton. We work with all age groups especially children. We use publicity, schools campaigns and competitions, partnership with local councils, churches and by setting examples with public litter picks.
23 years
Hunsbury Meadows
Parish Council event
9 years
Keep It Clean, Watford
A potential group for pickers in Watford, not yet formed!
3 years
Whitehead Wombles
Whitehead Wombles are a small group of people from the town of Whitehead who got fed up looking at the amount of litter on our streets and hedgerows and decided to do something about it. We only have a few members but we are committed to keeping the level of litter in the town to a minimum and hope that people will see us and think twice about dropping their litter. We are supplied with bags, gloves and pickers by our local council and last Oct we won an award for our coastal care work. Our aim is to educate people in the detrimental effects of littering and to work with as many groups within the town to co ordinate our efforts. We had a community clean up on Sunday 18th Sept 2011as part of the national Beach watch Weekend and received support of local groups and churches so for one day at least we had a litter free town. We lifted over 30 bags and had forty people of all ages turn out to help. This proved so successful that many of those involved wanted to run it on a quarterly basis so we'll see what we can do If anyone wants to set up a group and needs advice then contact us or follow our progress at the Brighter Whitehead site.
55 years
Tetford Volunteer Group
Our first litter pick took place in November 2016. People stopped their cars & asked how to get involved, more have joined since. We live in a beautiful area & want to get rid of the litter which spoils the countryside. 6 Local businesses & 2 village residents have sponsored us & we now all have our own equipment (not borrowed from the District Council) Our hi-vis vests have a litter picking logo on the back & the Sponsor's name on the front. Our Parish Council support us by insuring us and a local garage has offered assistance.
8 years
Woodley Adopt a Street Project WASP
A voluntary community group whose aims are that local people adopt an area and help to keep it tidy
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group