Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Beach Clean

Liverpool,L23 6SX

07 Sep 2019


We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We may cancel the clean-up if the weather is really bad (strong winds and rain), but in such instances we will post an announcement on our Facebook page. .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

40 adult and 13 junior volunteers, collected 11 full bags of plastic rubbish from Crosby Beach

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Middlewich Clean Team
The Middlewich Clean Team was set up with the basic intention of keeping our town litter free. However we now do much more as we have an education programme working in all of our schools and pre-school groups and have carried out a number of environmental projects. We have a small committee and well over 100 members. Litter picking is undertaken by all members, either by joining a group litter pick or simply by keeping an area litter free. We have also worked with Government Departments on controlling ant-social behaviour and very recently, several of our members qualified as Community Crime Fighters and have been involved in the restorative justice system. We help set up other Clean Teams nationally and are the Mother Clean Team to some of the other organisations included on this site.
21 years
Ramsgate ROAD
Ramsgate ROAD stands for Ramsgate Residents One A Day. It's an informal group for people who commit to picking up at least one piece of litter from the streets of Ramsgate every day (or 7 a week). It has nearly 400 members and a Facebook page. The group is represented on Ramsgate Litter Forum.
7 years
Keynsham Wombles
We are part of Transition Keynsham and have a network of over 100 local volunteers collecting litter on a weekly basis in an area of their choice which could be the road they live in, a local footpath etc. If you would like to join us please email
12 years
Clean Up Devizes Squad
CUDS was formed primarily to litter pick around our town and its environs. We do so about 4 times a month for 2 hours each time and then have a cup of tea and the all-important biscuits. We also strip useless bits of turf off areas, dig over, plant bulbs and sow wildflower seeds which we maintain on 2 roundabouts and various other places. At present we have about 28 members. We are not a charity - we are funded by grants for which I apply and have back-up from Dervizes Town Council's Park and Open Spaces team when we can't shift all the stuff we have collected ourselves. When we started over 3 years ago, we were viewed with some suspicion - as in 'Are you all doing Community Payback?' and so forth - interesting to think that a great group of oldies would be doing that! Now, in our bright blue hivis vests emblazed with CUDS on the back, nearly everybody knows who we are - and if they don't, they must have been asleep. We work with local groups - Beavers, the Canoe Club, The Lions at their Fair and recently with The Fulltone Orchestra at their free event in the Market Place. We are also planning our reward - apart from cake, which we have before our summer and Christmas breaks. This time we are going on a day out to visit various gardens in Somerset - it's great to be sociable and many have made firm friends within our group.
8 years
Ashtead Station
Keeping area around Ashtead station clean
7 years
CPRE Hampshire Litter Pickers
Weekly Winchester-based litter picks focusing on roadside verge clearance along with Winchester City Street Cleaning Company, Idverde
3 years
The Wombles of Willenhall
We have about 350 members, and about 50 active .This year we have collected 3200 bags of rubbish
8 years
Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers
Friendly Local residents who care about where they live. We meet Fridays and Saturdays according to the time of year. Check our Facebook page for latest times.
6 years
Corfe Mullen/Wimborne
The B roads and public walking routes and fields between Corfe Mullen and Wimborne are becoming dropzones for litter impacting on scenery and wildlife. I regularly pick up litter on walks and encourage others to do likewise. Aim...reduce litter in BH21 and surrounds tok eep our area beautiful.
13 years
Winsford Community Cleanup
We aim to increase social responsibility within the town. We hope that by showing pride in the town it will inspire other people and residents to take ownership of the area in which they live. We are sick of fly tipping and litter and hope to make a positive impact on the town by becoming more action orientated!
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group