Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Annual Litter Pick

Shotley Bridge,Consett,DH8 0RE

30 Mar 2012


Litter pick throughout the village, particularly within the boundary of the Northumbria in Bloom entry. If sufficient people attend we shall also litter pick along the roads leading out of the village. Meet at 9.30 in car park next to the Golden Flower. 15 volunteers attended the litter pick and 40 bags were collected. Go to for more information and photos..

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Community Clear Up Day

This year the Trust has arranged its annual litter pick to coincide with ‘Community Clear Up Day’, a national initiative by the Keep Britain Tidy organisation. We will also be helping to...

Spring litter pick

Meet Golden Flower car park at 9.30

Spring Litter Pick

Meet at 9.30am in the car park next to The Golden Flower. Bring gloves and wear stout shoes. Litter pickers and bags provided. This is a general tidy up throughout the village, particularly within ...

Summer litter pick

Litter pick throughout the village, particularly within the boundary of the Northumbria in Bloom entry. If sufficient people attend we shall also litter pick along the roads leading out of the village...

Big Spring Clean

In support of Litterfree Durham’s “Big Spring Clean”, the Trust is holding a litter pick on the morning of Saturday 2nd April this year. On Saturday morning 8 members of the Trust g...

Big Tidy Up

Joining forces with the Benfieldside, Blackhill, Bridgehill & Shotley Bridge Community Partnership for this event. Meet at the Baptist Church Hall on Pemberton Road at 9.30am. Finish by 12.00 noon....

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Widemouth Task Force (WTF)
My name is Ado Shorland, i`m a surfer from north Cornwall and i organise Beach cleans via my facebook group 2-3 times a month on 5 different beaches, last year we cleared over 5 tons of netting and plastic from just 5 beaches, if you would like to join our group type in Widemouthtaskforce into your facebook searchbar and apply on the main page..
13 years
St John's Great Horton
We are a friendly group of people who want to keep Great Horton tidy and clean
4 years
Hucknall rd clean up
I've decided to try and get local folk interested in keeping our area clean...hoping people will respond.
55 years
Park Street Pickers
Please contact me if you would like to be part of this group based in Park Street. The general aim is to make our area as pleasant a place to live as possible by reducing the amount of litter on our streets, our parks and green spaces.
16 years
Houndwood Community Group
The Houndwood Community Group’s activities are aimed at making the Houndwood and Icon new housing estate of nearly 400 homes situated in Street, Somerset, a better and safer place to live. We formed about 6 years ago and reorganised in 2017 into our current form.
9 years
Allington Alligators
As from October 2021, we will be operating as normal and resuming our monthly organised litterpicks in the Allington area. These usually take place on a Sunday morning starting at 10am for an hour or so at a venue advertised on the events section. We generally follow our litterpick in a local cafe for a chat and refreshments. We are a small friendly group of like-minded individuals who care about our local environment and want to keep it clean and tidy. If you are interested in joining us then do please get in touch and give us a try - new members are always welcome. All equipment is provided.
14 years
Motorhome Litter Action Group
All over the UK, motorhome owners stop for a few hours and sometimes stay the night in rural carparks and laybys - some call this 'Wild Camping'. In an effort to put something back for our free stays in beautiful places, group members collect up litter in the vicinty of their 'Wild Camp' and dispose of it correctly.
13 years
South Harrow litter pickers
Litter picking around South Harrow for fun and the joy of seeing our local neighbourhood look a bit happier. Message for litter picking equipment and to get involved.
3 years
Pride of the Borough (Oadby & Wigston )
We have 3 main aims ​ Improve the environment of Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston To work with Oadby and Wigston Borough Council to support the Borough's entry into East Midlands in Bloom Encourage and support community activities that will increase pride in our Borough
21 years
Collie Collections
Currently most of the work is done by my Border Collie who collects crisp and other wrappers and plastic bottles. She then finds the nearest waste bin and puts the litter in it. She has been doing this for the past 5 years.
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group