Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


A Quick Pick

Rode Hall Farm,Church Lane,North Rode,CW12 2PE

04 Feb 2021


Bank Lane, Church Lane, around Ethel's Green and a little bit of A54 by Huw .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

A54 Bosley Crossroads West

An early morning forage along the verges and in the hedgerows filled 2 bags within 200m of the crossroads. A couple of roads signs also made more visible by clipping back hedge shoots

Clearing the Wreckage

An early morning clear up of crash debris on the A54 at Ethells Green before traffic picked up with Brenda, Jenny and Steve. Also took the oporttunity to tidy up the road sign for Church Lane - 2 bags...

A Winter collection by Winnie & Sue

Winnie & Sue tackle the A54 with a 2 bag bounty!

Autumn is here - along with the trash

The litter tossers have been out again! including 3 bags of soil and grass in black bags - no need for that!

Lockdown Pick

Now the takeaways are all open, here we go again! 3 bags on a full circuit of the village

More of a stroll with bags than a pick

Informal socially distanced litter pick from A54 Junction at Ethels Green, along Church Lane, Bank Lane, Bramhall Hill, Pexall Road, Shellow Lane and Back though the Park. 3 full bags, mainly from Eth...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The Friends of the Cole Valley Birmingham UK
This group is for anybody interested in Litter Picking in the Kingfisher Country Park and surrounding areas of East Birmingham.
5 years
West Didsbury/Northenden
Keeping the area litter free and making it a nicer place to live. Parks, Water Parks, Mersey Paths and anywhere else that perhaps is an eyesore and needs some TLC from the local Litter Squad.
3 years
Appleby Litter Pickers!
We are a small group of volunteers who go out and about armed with litter picking sticks, hoops and bags collecting discarded litter from the paths and verges around our beautiful village and surrounding area. We are proud of where we live and by keeping the lanes and village litter free it shows we care about our community. We meet on a regular basis, usually at the weekend, tackling the area road by road. We try and keep Risby Road, Ermine Street north and south of the village for a couple of miles in each direction as well as within the village itself clear of litter. Sometimes we go further afield if the urge takes us! We welcome your support. Details of the forthcoming Litter-Pick dates may be found here on the Litter action website, on the village website ( on the village notice board and on the village FaceBook Group (residents will need to join to see the information). We are supported by North Lincolnshire Council who collect the sacks of litter from our home for which we are very grateful. While we are always pleased to welcome new helpers to our small group of volunteers, if you can't help but wish to show your support please give us a toot on your horn and a cheery wave (and a wide berth) when you see us - a spot of encouragement goes a long way! Little could be said to beat the sense of achievement when you have litter picked the beautiful lanes surrounding our village. The countryside is transformed! Getting rid of litter really DOES make a difference!
14 years
St John's Great Horton
We are a friendly group of people who want to keep Great Horton tidy and clean
4 years
alverstoke litterpickers
Clean up the Alverstoke area and try to keep it clean. Please join the group to keep in touch. You are reminded that you take part at your own risk and are responsible for any children you bring along with you to our events. You should always use a litter picker or gloves.
13 years
Donny Pickerbugs
People fed up of seeing litter in our parks and streets in Doncaster and meeting as a group to do our bit. #itsnotourrubbishbutitsourplanet
5 years
Gorton Litter Pickers
We are a community-led litter picking group based in Gorton. We organise group litter picks and encourage solo picks, and to try educate people on how to report litter/fly tipping issues.
3 years
Guildford Litter Action
Currently litter picking in the Bellfields area of Guildford. New volunteers welcome for this and all other Guildford areas!
3 years
Paws on Weymouth Beaches & Open Spaces
Dog walkers clearing the way. Every day members clear litter from our streets, beaches and open spaces and tackle sea pollution during regular beach cleans. We are responsible for the Angler’s line pipes which have been placed to collect waste line which is then recycled. Our aim is to recycle as much litter from our beaches as possible.
3 years
Fife Street Champions
We are a group of pickers who pick all over Fife. Joining organised cleans, organising our own and doing our own bits out and about. Join us on Facebook 'Fife Street Champions'
6 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group