Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Community clean-up

Avon Street,Hathershaw,Oldham,OL8 1XW

14 Sep 2019


We are having a community clean-up of Hathershaw Oldham Lancashire, residents and the councillor and volunteers, poster added in picture upload .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Charity clean up

We and the local authorities are scheduleding another litter pick and in conjunction with a local charity we aim to clean up the area near the building of the charity also a local mosque, so get your ...

community clean up

We are having a community clean up in Hathershaw in our monthly litter and fly tipping clean up, so if any one as some spare time on their hands feel free to lend a helping hand. Thank you.

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Calthorpe Eco Warriors
Highgate area
2 years
Corfe Mullen/Wimborne
The B roads and public walking routes and fields between Corfe Mullen and Wimborne are becoming dropzones for litter impacting on scenery and wildlife. I regularly pick up litter on walks and encourage others to do likewise. Aim...reduce litter in BH21 and surrounds tok eep our area beautiful.
13 years
Keep Forebridge Tidy
Keep Forebridge Tidy is a group made up of likeminded individuals within the Forebridge Ward of Stafford who want to keep the area tidy. The scheme works by each volunteer taking ownership of their street, selection of streets or part of their street and keeping it free from litter by conducting regular litter picks. No formal litter picks are arranged allowing volunteers to litter pick as and when they can.
11 years
Fringe dwellers
Cleaning up our local area and implementing measures to prevent further littering / fly tipping.
8 years
Mexborough Ferryboat Association
Our volunteers litter pick the length of Mexborough canal and the Ferryboat slipway.
8 years
Tidy Tavi
Tidy Tavi volunteers meet on the first Saturday each month to pick up litter from the streets and public spaces of the lovely town of Tavistock in Devon. We have been operating since October 2012 and attendance varies from about 18-30 local residents. We do not operate any sort of membership scheme or register. Volunteers simply come along when they can spare some time. This is important because we do not want anyone to feel committed to join in every month, or even for the full 2 hours. We work from 10 AM to midday and frequently fill 30-40 sacks of rubbish that are disposed of by West Devon District Council. Litter pickers, high visibility jackets, rubbish bags and hoops are provided. The group is supported by many local businesses including Tesco, who send some of their staff to help, and the Meadowlands Leisure Centre, where the group meets, who store our equipment for us. Several cafés in Tavistock supply free teas and coffees to volunteers. Critical support is also provided by our local newspaper, the Tavistock Times Gazette, who publish reports and print recruiting posters for the group.
11 years
Beare Green Community Association
Community Association, combined with Youth Group and District Cllr
6 years
Donny Pickerbugs
People fed up of seeing litter in our parks and streets in Doncaster and meeting as a group to do our bit. #itsnotourrubbishbutitsourplanet
4 years
West Haddon Wombles
We are 2 like minded individuals who are looking to clean up our local area of West Haddon and beyond!
4 years
Clean and Green
Sending an invitation to those in our local area who share my wish to enjoy our local environment without the litter-fringed roads and verges that so many seem to have accepted as the norm.
8 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group