Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


CPRE Northants county cleanup

Northampton,NN6 8SJ

25 Mar 2011


This event runs from March 25th through to Sunday April 3rd. Will be litterpicking at some point over this period. .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Thornby Cleanup

This has been going on ad-hoc for a few weeks but if you want to join in one Sunday morning then do get in touch.

CPRE Northants Cleanup

I will be supporting the county clean up organised by CPRE Northants which begins for 10 days from 9th April. Go to for more information.

Litter pick in Naseby

Although I will be on holiday for this event I wanted to invite anyone interested to join Naseby Village Pride for a litter pick. If you are interested then follow this link to contact the group direc...

Joining CPRE Northants for litter-pick

Will be helping CPRE Northants in their county clean-up. Check their group page for details.

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Syresham Litterpickers
The group was initiated by the Parish Council with the aim of ensuring that our village and its environs are kept neat and tidy and as litterfree as possible. We welcome more helpers at our next litterpick on Saturday 21st March 2009.
15 years
Tidy Tetbury Team
The Tidy Tetbury Team aims to bring together all those who want to see Tetbury kept tidy and looking good and who are happy to help achieve this by coming out to pick up litter. At the moment, we think that the obvious areas that need tidying up from time to time are likely to be The Rec, the area by the old railway shed, Love Lane (between Tesco and The Chipping) and the path behind Hampton Stores that leads to William Romney's School. But we also think that the Tidy Tetbury Team should be there to help and join in with anyone who wants to tackle the litter problem in their part of Tetbury. Our aim is not only to keep Tetbury tidy but to have fun and make new friends as we do so. Please join us by clicking on the "Join this Group" button on the right of this webpage and we will keep you posted on future events.
10 years
Llanfyllin Litterbusters
Litter picking in the town of Llanfyllin and the nearby countryside. Litterpicking equipment is available for loan for free from the local library - by arrangement. Semi annual picks are organised by the coordinator.
2 years
South London Litter Action
South London Litter Action SOLLA is a fast-growing volunteer-led group which brings together people south of the river who want to see our neighbourhoods a bit (much) less littered. This is a group where community activities are organised, stories are shared, and ideas flow - all in the name of less litter. On joining, you will be given a free litter picking kit, to keep you safe and sound and happy in your brilliant service to the community. WE HOST GROUP LITTER PICKS EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY - GET IN TOUCH TO FIND OUT MORE
2 years
Honingham Pickers
We meet on a Sunday morning, every other month, to walk around the whole village to clean up. There are over 20 volunteer names on our list!
13 years
Pangbourne Litter Pickers
Participants from Pangbourne and surrounding area who contribute to an annual Spring Clean tidy up of river meadows, hedgerows and footpaths. Supported in particular by Pangbourne Parish Council and Pangbourne & Whitchurch Sustainability Group.
15 years
Harman's Cross About Litter/Worth Picking Up
We are part of the Litter-Free Purbeck Group. Our aim is to tackle the litter problem by engaging the broader community to raise awareness of what can be done, not only by litter-picking activities, but also to deal with the varous sources of the problem at corporate and individual levels.
7 years
Rawmarsh and Parkgate friends of green spaces
We aim to improve the local environment and work in conjunction with the local councillors. 2700 bags collected in 2018
54 years
Simister Village Clean and Health Association
I am going to door to door for this campaign as soon as I get litter pickers kit.
4 years
Brockworth Parish Council
Meets regularly to litter pick around Horsbere Brook and Mill Lane playing field.
16 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group